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100 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.KWANGTUNG PROVINCE.To give anything like a real conception of the present status of mission schools in such a large province,more data than is at hand would be required. Thisdata we have not been able to obtain.Swatow.The educational work as carried on by the twoMissions, viz., English Presbyterians and AmericanBaptists in this section of the province, embraces kindergarten, elementary, and middle schools. "Tokeeppace with the educational system, our schools have hadto introduce Western subjects."Anglo-Chinese College. Rev. H. F. Wallace, principal (E. P. M..).The teaching staff iscomposed of i foreigner and 6Chinese. 62 students. This institution is just at thebeginning of its career, and promises to furnish a Christian education along Western lines for those who areseeking this kind of a course of study.The Swatow Presbytery has started a normal schoolscheme.Middle Schools .English Presbyterian Middle School.Mr. Wm. Paton, principal.Teaching staff is 2 foreign and 3 native teachers.Two other foreigners teach together three hours a week.During the past few years the standard has been raised,which has had the effect of reducing numbers somewhat,but of improving quality and greatly increasing theefficiency of the school. Out of many applicants fromthe elementary schools only six were accepted at thebeginning of this year. Fees also have been increased.Great interest is being shown in original study of botanyand geology. Keen interest is manifested in athletics,e.g., baseball and football. 25 per cent, of the graduates

MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS.IOIenter the Theological College or pursue advanced studies.73 per cent, become Christians.At Wukingfu and Swabue this Mission has similarinstitutions.Boarding- schools for Boys. There are a number ofboarding-schools in this district, viz., Boys Intermediate Boarding-school, Rev. Wm. Ashmore, D.D., principal (A. B. M. U.), at Swatow ;also at Chaochowfu,Hokhooha, Phyangtong.Elementary (Day) Schools. Work in the elementary schools, in some quarters at least, has been veryencouraging. One Mission reports that fees have beenincreased year by year while the curriculum has beenrevised and improved. The native Christians haveshown the keenest interest by donating as much as athousand dollars for buildings in different places. Certainly no better evidence is required to express theeagerness of the parents for the advancement of theirchildren, at any rate in this grade. At the same timethe fear is expressed that the parents will not allow theirchildren to leave home to pursue higher courses ofstudy. In some regions our primary schools have a hardfight against the competition of government schools.Canton.Canton Christian College. C. K. Edmunds, Ph.D.,president.On the faculty there are 14 foreign and 12 Chineseteachers. 178 students. Three :departments Intermediate, 40 ; Academic, 130 ; College, 8. Chartered underthe University of New York, U. S. A., and governedby a Board of Trustees located in New York. Theinstitution plans to give a thorough education alongChristian lines and in accordance with Western methods.It is pressing forward in equipment and efficiency. Italready owns forty acres of land, arid its assets amount

100 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.KWANGTUNG PROVINCE.To give anything like a real conception of the present status of mission schools in such a large province,more data than is at hand would be required. Thisdata we have not been able to obtain.Swatow.The educational work as carried on by the twoMissions, viz., English Presbyterians and AmericanBaptists in this section of the province, embraces kindergarten, elementary, and middle schools. "Tokeeppace with the educational system, our schools have hadto introduce Western subjects."Anglo-Chinese College. Rev. H. F. Wallace, principal (E. P. M..).The teaching staff iscomposed of i foreigner and 6Chinese. 62 students. This institution is just at thebeginning of its career, and promises to furnish a Christian education along Western lines for those who areseeking this kind of a course of study.The Swatow Presbytery has started a normal schoolscheme.Middle Schools .English Presbyterian Middle School.Mr. Wm. Paton, principal.Teaching staff is 2 foreign and 3 native teachers.Two other foreigners teach together three hours a week.During the past few years the standard has been raised,which has had the effect of reducing numbers somewhat,but of improving quality and greatly increasing theefficiency of the school. Out of many applicants fromthe elementary schools only six were accepted at thebeginning of this year. Fees also have been increased.Great interest is being shown in original study of botanyand geology. Keen interest is manifested in athletics,e.g., baseball and football. 25 per cent, of the graduates

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