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9 8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.and other places, such as the C. M. S. High School,Junior Boys Boarding-school at Foochow, Anglo-ChineseHigh School at Hinghua (M. H. M.), Schell-CooperBoarding-school at Kucheng (M. E. M.), the InghokBoarding-school at Inghok (A. B. C. F. M.), DublinUniversity School at Funingfu (C. M. S.)-Elementary. In the districts under the care of thethree Missions namely : American Board, ChurchMissionary Society and the Methodist Episcopal Mission,there are 700 schools with something like 14,500 pupils.Kindergartens.204 pupils.There are three kindergartens withAmoy. The educational work in Amoy during thepast three years has been one of development in thethree grades to which it is confined, viz., kindergarten,elementary, and middle, a grade corresponding to a highschool in America,Anglo-Chinese College. Prof. H. F. Rankin, principalṪhis institution is under the joint management ofthe E. P. M. and L- M. S. There are 6 foreign and 9native teachers. 175 students.Improvement has been marked by the attendancebeing more steady and more regular. Greater interest ismanifested in Chinese subjects, while the students havereached the wise conclusion that English is not to beacquired in a year or two.It has been possible to do more advanced work, asthe students have come better prepared and are willingto remain longer. Pupils are learning better to reason out things for themselves and are getting a wideroutlook. The school provides a Christian educationalong Western lines to sons of the upper and middleclasses (fees from S or 9). It prepares for, ratherthan provides, a college course. The college ischangingfrom a day-school with a few boarders 7 into a boarding-

MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MKN AND BOYS. 99school with a few day pupils, a result of the establishment of fairly good government primary schools. Students come from Rangoon, Saigon, Manila, and Formosa,as well as from the province. The Y. M. C. A. has over40 members.Amoy Union Middle School. Rev. P. W. Pitcher,M.A., principal.This union institution is under the management ofthe three Missions A. B. M., E- P. M., and L. M. S.The union was consummated in 1907, and has been mostsuccessful. On the teaching staff there are 2 foreignersand 5 native teachers. 60 pupils. Three other foreigners each teach an hour a day. The aim is to developcharacter and to lay the foundations of a broad and useful education ; the chief cornerstone being Christianity.The medium of instruction is the vernacular, Englishbeing taught as a subject. The effort in recent yearshas been made to increase the school s efficiency, withsome success. The standard has been raised and thecurriculum, with some exceptions, made to conformmore and more to government schedules. A keenerinterest in study is noticeable.There are two other middle schools in this districtworking along similar lines, viz., Choanchiu MiddleSchool, Rev. A. S. M. Anderson, principal about; 30students ;the Hweian Middle School, Miss A. M. Home,principal.Elementary (Day) Schools. There are about 100schools with 2,500 pupils. Within the past three yearsgreater attention has been given to providing uniformcurricula in primary and grammar grades and in bringing them in conformity with government schedules. Thishas been partly successful. While most of these schoolsare for day pupils only, yet in important centres likeChoanchiu, Tongan, Siokhe, Chiangchiu and Changpuboarding accommodations have been provided for thegrammar grade (^ ^).

9 8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.and other places, such as the C. M. S. High School,Junior Boys Boarding-school at Foochow, Anglo-ChineseHigh School at Hinghua (M. H. M.), Schell-CooperBoarding-school at Kucheng (M. E. M.), the InghokBoarding-school at Inghok (A. B. C. F. M.), DublinUniversity School at Funingfu (C. M. S.)-Elementary. In the districts under the care of thethree Missions namely : American Board, ChurchMissionary Society and the Methodist Episcopal Mission,there are 700 schools with something like 14,500 pupils.Kindergartens.204 pupils.There are three kindergartens withAmoy. The educational work in Amoy during thepast three years has been one of development in thethree grades to which it is confined, viz., kindergarten,elementary, and middle, a grade corresponding to a highschool in America,Anglo-Chinese College. Prof. H. F. Rankin, principalṪhis institution is under the joint management ofthe E. P. M. and L- M. S. There are 6 foreign and 9native teachers. 175 students.Improvement has been marked by the attendancebeing more steady and more regular. Greater interest ismanifested in Chinese subjects, while the students havereached the wise conclusion that English is not to beacquired in a year or two.It has been possible to do more advanced work, asthe students have come better prepared and are willingto remain longer. Pupils are learning better to reason out things for themselves and are getting a wideroutlook. The school provides a Christian educationalong Western lines to sons of the upper and middleclasses (fees from S or 9). It prepares for, ratherthan provides, a college course. The college ischangingfrom a day-school with a few boarders 7 into a boarding-

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