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MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS. 97secured. A seven years course in mandarin has beenadded. All students are required to take their scienceand mathematics in this language. The standard hasbeen raised considerably during the past three years.The college is incorporated under the laws ofMassachusetts, U. S. A., and grants degrees. The mostcordial relations exist between the college and officials,as was evidenced by their presence at the last commencement. The graduates of this institution are takingprominent places in church work.Hok-ling Anglo-Chinese College. Rev. J. Gowdy,D.D., president (M. E. M.).This institution takes high rank among schools ofthis grade. On the teaching staff are 14 foreigners and4 Chinese. There are two departments preparatoryand college. 324 students. Founded in 1881 it hasmaintained a steady progress. Its aim is to fit men forcommercial life, or for work of the Christian church inChina. The past few years has been marked by an increasing number in the latter class. In the collegedepartment a year of mathematics has been added, viz.,calculus and analytical geometry. A new course in civilengineering has been introduced, covering five years. Theentrance requirements have been considerably raised.Normal Schools. This work is still in its infancy.The only one we are aware of is the Foochow NormalTraining School (M. E. M.), G. S. Miner, principal A.W. ; Billing, assistant principal. Fifteen students. Thereare other schools that maintain normal classes alongwith other work, but this, we understand, is the onlydistinctively normal school in the province under missionary auspices.Boys Academies and Boarding-schools. There arenumerous boarding-schools for boys in the Foochowdistrict, where boys can gain a first class secondaryeducation. They are located in Foochow, Kucheng,Shaowu, Funingfu, Mingchiang, Hinghua, lenping,

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