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MISSION SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS. 931. Contributions from the colleges.2. Fees for matriculation, examinations, and graduation.3. Contributions for special objects from the Bodies participating in the Union.4. Special donations, subscriptions, and endowments.5. Any interest that may be derived from the above.Tentative curricula have been prepared in the fourcourses of general arts, history and political economy,science, and pedagogy, each extending over four years.The first year in each course is the same, being that ofthe general arts course. After that the student isallowed to specialize.University work has been commenced this year witha cl^ss of thirteen students and a staff of four foreignand two Chinese instructors. All the subjects, with theexception of English, are taught exclusively in Chinese.The policy of the university is to continue this methodof teaching, as it tends less to denationalize the studentthan the method of giving him his education throughthe medium of a foreign language.During the year 1911, in all probability, a beginningwill be made in the establishment of a Medical Department in the University. In addition to this it has beenthe hope of the founders from the first that graduateand technical courses be introduced as soon as provisioncan be made for the carrying on of such work. It is feltthat there is great need for such courses in the West,but under the present circumstances the Arts andMedical Departments have a prior claim.Negotiations have been carried on, and the hope isat present bright that we may induce some WesternUniversity or some other body interested in highereducation in China to participate in this enterprise. Agreat sphere of influence is open to such bodies if up-todateteaching equipment and the right stamp of teachersare provided. Should these negotiations materialize, thework will at once be put on a very broad basis.The prospects for the future of the university arebright indeed. In the first place the missions of West

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