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MISSION "SCHOOLS FOR MEN AND BOYS. 91As soon as the laud was purchased measures wereat once taken to prepare the grounds for school purposesand the erection of the needed buildings. Five temporary residences for foreigners, together with dormitoriesand temporary teaching buildings for the Union MiddleSchool, were hurriedly built. It was agreed that themiddle school should temporarily occupy the universitysite until such time as the university should be inworking order. During the fall of 1909 temporaryteaching buildings for the university were also built, andtwo permanent residences for foreigners completed.Four other residences are in course of construction andwill be completed this year. The permanent teachingbuildings will be commenced as soon as a unified plancan be decided upon.Much time has been spent in preparing a constitution of the university that will safeguardall interestsconcerned and yet leave the university free to developas time goes on. A meeting of representatives of thefour Boards concerned, held in New York, agreed upona statement of policy and recommended to the variousmission boards a draft constitution. This has sincebeen thoroughly gone into by men on the field and sentfor final ratification to the home authorities. It contains among others the following important clauses :Aim. The object of the University shall be the advancementof the kingdom of God by means of higher education iu WestChina :(a) By providing such facilities for the education of thoseconnected with the various missions in West China as shallthe educated classes ofenable them to take their place amongthe day.(b) By affording means for the higher education of Chineseyouth of all classes.Colleges. Each body founding a college must provide forthe accommodation of its teachers and students and such otherChinese teachers as may be allotted 1o it by the Senate.The management of the individual colleges shall be independent of the control of the Senate so long as their rules are uatcontrary to the provisions of this Constitution.

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