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88 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.nature study. These sciences are to be taught fromthe experimental standpoint as much as possible the;object being to develop the spirit of research in thestudents themselves.Examinations are prepared yearly by teachers designated to that work by the executive of the Union.Each year there are six sets of papers prepared in the;Junior Primary a preliminary covering the first threeyears and a final covering the last two years ;in theSenior Primary a preliminary covering the first twoyears and a final covering the last two years in the;Middle School a preliminary covering the first threeyears and a final covering the last two years.The standard arrived at on graduation from theMiddle School is about equal to the matriculation intothe American or English universities. In all threegrades the course is approximately the same as thatauthorized by the Chinese Imperial authorities for thegovernment schools.To come to higher grade schools at the present timein the province of Szechuen there are four well established institutions of Middle School grade. They are asfollows : The Munroe Academy at Suifu, under theAmerican Baptist Foreign Missionary Society ;theChungking High School at Chungking, under the Methodist Missionary Society of the United States the;Friends Chungking Middle School, under the FriendsForeign Missionary Association, and the West ChinaUnion Middle School at Chengtu, in which the threeabove missions and the Canadian Methodist Missionhave joined. The first three of these have been inoperation for a number of years and have made goodprogress since 1907. All have now lined up with theEducational Union movement. The Chengtu UnionMiddle School is still in its infancy, as it was just openedin the spring of 1909. At that time it was an amalgamation of three previously established Middle Schools,viz., the M. E. M., the F. F. M. A., and the C. M. M.

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