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86 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.SENIOR PRIMARY GRADK.Schools. Boys, Girls. Total.1907. ii 187 26 2131908. 12 143 109 2521909. 17 217 84 3071910. 19 312 132 444MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADE:.1907. 5 1 20 ... 1201908. 8 182 13 1951909. 8 203 8 2111910. 6 217 16 233Total number of students registered in three grades :1907. 1,0701908. 1,2321909. 1,6241910. 3,287In the year 1909 there were 26 foreign teachersgiving all or a major portion of their time to school work.The number of Chinese teachers in all were 93. Thefigures are about the same for foreign teachers in 1910,but a considerable increase has been made in Chineseteachers.The Junior Primary course adopted by the Unioncovers a period of five years, during the first three ofwhich the child is given a good grounding in Bible,Chinese classics, Chinese language and arithmetic. Inthe fourth and fifth years outlines of Chinese history,elementary hygiene and drawing are added ;the lattertwo being optional subjects.The Senior Primary course consists of four yearsfollowing immediately after the Junior Primary work.The subjects taken are the same as the Junior Primaryfourth and fifth years with the addition of naturalscience as a compulsory subject and English as anoptional one. Algebra is also made optional in thefourth year. Singing and physical exercise are supposed to be taught throughout both grades, but examinations are not prepared in these two subjects by theUnion.

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