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GURAHL LEXICONArcas (ARE-kus): The stage of a Gurahl’s life governed by the New Moon.Arthren (ARE-thrun): The near-human form of the Gurahl.Bhernocht (BEAR-noct): A state of near-despair and sorrow experienced by some Gurahl.Bjornen (Bee-YORE-nen): The cave-bear or near-bear form of the Gurahl.Buri-Jaan (BOO-ree-ZHAWN): A Gurahl mentor; the period of a Gurahl’s time as a student.Gallivant: The first part of a Gurahl’s life; a period of wandering and discovery.Hibernation: The deep sleep of some Gurahl, attained by a Gift or rite, which resembles the winter slumberof normal bears.Kieh (KEE-yuh): The stage of a Gurahl’s life governed by the Crescent Moon.Kojubat (KOY-yu-baht): The stage of a Gurahl’s life governed by the Gibbous Moon.Kovi (KO-vee): “Child”; a Rank One Gurahl.Mangi (MAN-GEE): The aspect of Bear corresponding to the Death Bear.Matae (MUH-tay): “Grandmother/Grandfather”; a Rank Five GurahlPattern Breaker: The Wyrm.Rishi (REE-SHEE): The stage of a Gurahl’s life governed by the Half-Moon.Sorna (SOR-na): “Aunt/Uncle”; a Rank Three GurahlTalchwi (TALLCH-we): “Mother/Father”; a Rank Four GurahlTapestry Maker: The Weaver.Ursa Major: The aspect of Bear corresponding to the Great She-Bear.Ursa Minor: The aspect of Bear corresponding to the Little Bear or First Cub.Ursus: A Gurahl born from to a bear parent; the bear-form of the Gurahl.Uzmati: The stage of a Gurahl’s life governed by the Full Moon.Verden: “Brother/Sister”; a Rank Two GurahlYarn Spinner: The Wyld.world, and they exist in such small numbers that theyusually live and travel alone in order to cover as much ofGaia’s land as possible. This dispersal of the Breed acrossa vast range of territories also minimizes the chances ofa concerted attack destroying most or all of the Gurahl.This is not to say that Gurahl never travel in groups.One tribe of werebear, the Ice Stalkers, habitually gathersin small units similar to packs. Their native territory —the frozen north — is vast and harsh enough to makepack-life preferable to a solitary existence. Group huntsallow them to travel further and take down larger preythan any one Gurahl could on their own. And for thoseArctic nights that last for months at a time, companionshipis preferable to sullen silence.In areas where the Pattern Breaker’s forces are numerous,several Uzmati may band together to accomplishwhat a single Gurahl cannot. A group of werebears ralliedtogether for a mass rite of cleansing — or a battle, ifthere are no other options — is enough to tackle almostanything the Wyrm can throw at it. While such temporarypacks are exceedingly effective, they usually disband whentheir mission is accomplished, so that the individuals canspread out and share their healing and protection witha larger range than if they’d stayed together.GURAHL105

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