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• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Truth of Gaia (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Voice of the Mimic (Level One) — The Coraxmay perfectly mimic any voice or sound she has everheard. A mynah-spirit teaches this Gift.System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.• Word Beyond (Level One) — This Gift allowsthe Corax to create a message out of any available materialswhile in the Umbra, which can be instinctivelyunderstood by other wereravens. One of Coyote’s broodteaches this Gift.System: The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficulty6) to create a marker out of nearby Umbral materials.The number of successes indicates the complexity of themessage that can be encrypted into the marker; one successwould suffice for simple concepts such as “danger” or“safe haven,” while five successes could convey complexconcepts equivalent to a short essay. Non-Corax cannotread these markers.• Carrion’s Call (Level Two) — This Gift helpsCorax execute their duties with regard to the slain, leadingthem to fresh corpses. It is taught by a vulture-spirit.System: The player may roll Perception + Empathy(difficulty 6). The Corax becomes aware of all cadaverswithin (successes rolled) miles.• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) — As the SilentStrider Gift, but enabling flight rather than running.• Razor Feathers (Level Two) — The Corax’swing-feathers become hard and sharp as steel. This Giftis taught by a steel-spirit, and only functions when thewereraven is in Crinos.System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, enablingWing Swipe maneuvers for the rest of the scene(see Wing Swipe, p. 214).• Sky’s Beneficence (Level Two) — The Coraxcan accurately drop a package of any sort onto a targetfrom any altitude she can reach. Whether the packageis a letter, hand grenade, or a more… natural...offering is up to the wereraven. Any aerial spirit canteach this Gift.System: The Corax aims the dropped package withPerception + Melee (difficulty 7), regardless of inclementconditions, crosswinds, etc. The Corax must be able tosee her target.• Speech of the World (Level Two) — As thehomid Gift.• Swallow’s Return (Level Two) — This Gift willsafely carry a Corax home, even when she doesn’t knowwhere ’home’ is. A swallow-spirit teaches it.System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. TheCorax flies to the place she truly considers ’home’ onautopilot, without any conscious awareness of the pathshe takes; she may even do so while healing or sleeping.• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) — As theRagabash Gift.• Whisper Catching (Level Two) — As the ShadowLord Gift.• Wire Sitter (Level Two) — As the RagabashGift: Spider’s Song.• Dead Talk (Level Three) — Sometimes adead man’s last vision just isn’t enough. This Giftallows the Corax to interrogate a recently-deceased(no more than 24 hours dead) corpse. It is taught bya vulture-spirit.System: The player spends a Gnosis point androlls Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). The numberof successes determines how talkative the corpse iswilling to be.• Eyes of the Eagle (Level Three) — The Corax’skeen eyes easily pierce fog, smoke, clouds, darkness —anything short of a solid object. Eagle-spirits teach thisGift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point to enjoythis Gift’s benefits for a scene. Adding a Willpower pointextends the duration until the sun next rises.• Hummingbird Dart (Level Three) — The Coraxplucks one of her own feathers and hurls it like a dart.A hummingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one point of Rage. Forthe rest of the scene, she may make Dexterity + Melee(difficulty 5) attacks out to 50 feet away, with (Dexterity+ 3) base lethal damage. With Razor Feathers active,this damage is aggravated. This Gift can only be usedin Corvid and Crinos form.• Mynah’s Touch (Level Three) — The Corax“borrows” knowledge of a single Garou Gift. Mynahspiritsteach this Gift.System: The player spends two Gnosis points, gainingknowledge of any Garou Gift of lower rank than theCorax. The Gift may then be used at any point afterward— once. Mynah’s Touch can only ’store’ one Gift at atime. In the case of permanent Gifts, the Corax mayenjoy the Gift’s benefits for one scene before it vanishes.• Scrying (Level Three) — As the Uktena Gift• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) — As thelupus Gift.• Sun’s Guard (Level Three) — Given to hischildren by Raven after their great misadventure withHelios, this Gift protects Corax from heat and flames.An avatar of Raven teaches it.System: The player spends two points of Rage androlls Stamina + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6). The Corax is100CHANGING BREEDS

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