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ack in the old days… We showed him we were worthhis attention, and got all sorts of Gifts as a thank-you.Some say it’s because we bring things into the light, butthat’s neither here nor there.The other guy we work for, big surprise, is Raven.Gaia might have made us, but he gave us our spirit, ourattitude, and our good looks. Everything we are, we gotfrom him. So you owe it to yourself— and to him — to obey his laws.Find stuff. Tell people. Laugh,because the world ain’t gettingany prettier. And most of all —fly. Why? Well, because you can.Once you figure that out, therest is easy.OrganizationNow, I appreciate youbeing all patient whileI rambled on. You’relearning already. But,here’s something yougotta know: Once Ifinish teaching youthe basics, you’reon your own. Nomaking packs, orprides, or thatkind of thing.It’s every Coraxfor himself, andthat’s the waywe like it.Now, don’tlook like that. It’snot that we don’tlike other raven-Kin; hell, they’rethe best companyyou can hope for. Every timeyou meet another one, it’s achance to swap stories, comparenotes, and have one hell of agood time.But we’re no good at formingpermanent arrangements.Put five Corax ina room and you’ll getsix opinionson what tosee next, and seven about how to get there. Sometimes,you’ll find gangs of Corax flying around together, mostlyyoungsters, but those groups never last long. Pretty soon,you lose your fledgling feathers and start to realize thatyou’ll cover more territory if you split up. Besides, kid— think about it. You don’t want anyone looking overyour wing and telling you where to fly next, right? Evenif they’re doing it with the best of intentions.Sure, we get together every once in a while to shootthe shit and exchange stories. I mean, what’s thegood of gathering stories if you don’t get totell them in front of a group every nowand then? We call them Gathers — orParliaments, for those that are feelingfancy — and that’s where we shootthe breeze, clap each other on theback when we’veearned it by beingespecially smart, orupright, or brave…but mostly smart.(Corax use the sameWisdom, Honor, and GloryRenown as Garou, but especially value Wisdom.Renown is awarded — and stripped — atParliaments.)As for specific operations, well, I can’ttell you much beyond “they exist”, becauseI don’t know. If you’re heading in a way thatcrosses winds with one of them, they’ll findyou and tell you what you need to knowabout hooking up with them.What I can tell you, though, is that we’reeverywhere. Off in the Umbra? We’re there,and some of us even like to come back. Hightech, big business, politics? We’re there too.Japan? Europe? The Middle East? You nameit, one of us has an eye on it. That’s anothergood reason to talk to all the Corax you meet,by the way. You’ll want folks to notice if you gomissing, and with the sorts of stuff we poke our beaksinto… Well, let’s just say that if you turn over enoughstones, you’re eventually going to find more than dirtunderneath one. Do your job right, and there’s a goodchance you’ll find yourself in a heap of trouble soon orlater.But that’s okay… we’ve got a lot of toolsto help us out, these days.93

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