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• Skin of Jade (Level One) — Willing himself solid,the Khan’s skin obtains the hardness of jade.System: The player spends a Willpower point andgains two additional dice to his soak rolls for the rest ofthe scene.• Heart of Fury (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Ricepaper Walk (Level Two) — By attuninghis inner energies, the Khan can walk across a light orfragile surface without disturbing it, no matter whatshape he wears.System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 6. For a(successes x 3) turns, the Khan exerts no more weighton the surface she stands on than a scrap of paper.• Asuras’ Bane (Level Three) — As the BubastiGift: Banish Cahlash’s Brood. The weretiger’s fur turnswhite with use, rather than black.• Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger (Level Three) —By channeling his chi through this Gift, the Khan wreathshis paws or hands in crackling spirit power. Thus fortified,the weretiger can rip through enemies in the spirit worldwithout stepping sideways, so long as he can see them.System: The player spends a Gnosis point, and enjoysthe Gift’s effects for six turns.• Dragonroar (Level Four) — Bellowing like athunderclap, the Khan breathes a ball of fire onto his foes.System: The player spends two Gnosis points. Thefireball is aimed with Dexterity + Brawl, and inflicts Ferocitylevels of aggravated damage. In subsequent turns thetarget continues to burn for half the damage suffered theprevious turn (round down), until the flames gutter out.• Heaven Thunder Hammer (Level Five) — Channelingthe power of Heaven itself, the Khan strikes out witha shockwave-blow that shatters walls and splinters trees.System: The player spends three Rage and makes aStrength + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 3) to hit everythingwithin 10 feet directly in front of the weretiger.The attack adds the Khan’s Ferocity to its damage dice.Pumonca Gifts• Mockingbird’s Mirror (Level One) — As theCorax Gift: Voice of the Mimic.• Wanderer’s Boon (Level One) — The werecatcan endure any hardship as he wanders Gaia’s face.System: The player spends a Willpower point androlls Stamina + Survival, difficulty 6. Each success allowshim one of the following benefits: ignore the worst effectsof normal heat and cold for a week, go one day withoutwater, or go three days without food. The difficulty ofthe Gift rises by 1 each time it is repeated in succession.• Speak With Wind Spirits (Level Two) — As theWendigo Gift.• Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) — As the Uktena Gift.BASTET• Bayou’s Embrace (Level Three) — As the RedTalon Gift: Quicksand.• Thunderbolt (Level Three) — So long as evena single cloud hangs in the sky, the werecougar may calldown a lightning bolt to strike her foes.System: The player spends one Rage point and rollsDexterity + Survival to aim it (difficulty 8 in relativelyclear conditions, difficulty 6 during a storm). The boltinflicts (Cunning) dice of lethal damage.• Call Elemental (Level Four) — As the Uktena Gift.• Thunderbird’s Cry (Level Five) — As the HakkenGift: Divine Wind.Qualmi Gifts• Breakfast of Stones (Level One) — As the PumoncaGift: Wanderer’s Boon.• Turned Fur (Level One) — As the WendigoGift: Camouflage, save that the Qualmi must discardany clothing and equipment before activating the Gift.• No Hidden Thing (Level Two) — By readingthe riddles of the world as mystic patterns, the Qualmican discover answers that aren’t immediately obvious tolesser beings. It’s hard to hide things from a lynx!System: The character permanently adds three diceto all Enigmas rolls.• Wind From the West (Level Two) — The Qualmipresents a series of high-speed riddles designed to tie avictim’s mind in knots.System: The player rolls Manipulation + Enigmas(difficulty equals the target’s Willpower). Successscrambles the target’s sense of direction and relationship;three or more successes send the target into a panic,forcing <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> to check for frenzy and normalhumans to flee in terror. Shapeshifters who have the optionsuccumb to fox frenzy as a result of this Gift. TheGift’s effects last for 15 minutes.• Song of the Earth Mother (Level Three) — Asthe Shadow Lord Gift.• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) —As the Philodox Gift.• Chill of Early Frost (Level Four) — As theWendigo Gift.• Water’s Vision (Level Five) — The Qualmi cansee through barriers to glimpse what lies beyond.System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urgeagainst a difficulty of the local Gauntlet. The Qualmican see through all solid objects for 100 feet per success— all things seem transparent and ephemeral.Simba Gifts• Majesty (Level One) — As the Rokea Gift: King Fish.• Submit (Level One) — As the Black Fury Gift: Kneel.89

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