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Balam Gifts• Hunter’s Mists (Level One) — As the Black FuryGift: Curse of Aeolus• Storm of Pests (Level One) — As the BoneGnawer Gift: Scent of Sweet Honey.• Pathfinder (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Terrors (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift:True Fear.• Ancestral Wings (Level Three) — As the BlackFury Gift: Wings of Pegasus.• Wandering Forest (Level Three) — As the RedTalon Gift: Trackless Waste.• Vision Cloud (Level Four) — By calling to thespirits of the air and the plants, the Balam can conjurethe Vision Cloud, a swirling fog that wraps itself throughthe area, bringing mystic insights to those who seekthem — and those who do not.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makesa Manipulation + Enigmas roll (difficulty 5). An area 50feet in diameter fills up with a misty cloud that bestowsvisions to those that breathe it. The content of the visionsare left up to the Storyteller, but should generallyforeshadow possible future events or reveal lost lore.• Feed the Gods (Level Five) — The Balam canrip out the heart of an enemy from a distance, pull it tohis hand, and consume it in a burst of fire.System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) andspends two Gnosis points. If the werejaguar’s successesamount to at least twice the target’s dots in Stamina, thetarget dies. Supernatural toughness (such as a vampire’sFortitude) subtracts two successes for every dot or levelof protection.Bubasti Gifts• Alms to the Poor (Level One) — The werecatmay summon up a small bit of money or food, generallyto give to a beggar. If the cat uses the “alms” for himself,he’s left with a bitter taste in his mouth and greasy palms.System: The player spends one Gnosis point to createa handful of food or a few coins in the local currency(never more than a few dollars’ worth by local standards).• Scholar’s Friend (Level One) — The Bubasti mayread any scroll, tablet or book placed in front of him,no matter what language it’s in. Coded messages remainwritten in code.System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.• Dreamspeak (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.• Spirit Barrier (Level Two) — As the homid Gift:Spirit Ward.• Banish Cahlash’s Brood (Level Three) — By callingupon the Father of Dark Spirits, a Bubasti may command88CHANGING BREEDSWyrmish spirits to depart. Each time the Bubasti doesso, his fur grows a deeper shade of black and his actionsbecome more… erratic. Sense Wyrm detects a faint traceof Wyrm-taint on the Bastet for a week afterward.System: The player spend a Willpower point and rollsManipulation + Enigmas against a difficulty of the higherof the spirit’s Rage or Gnosis. Each success removes threepoints of the spirit’s Essence. Botching the roll inflictsan immediate derangement of the Storyteller’s choice.• The Many Tongues of Ptah (Level Three) — Asthe homid Gift: Speech of the World.• Arms of Darkness (Level Four) — As the UktenaGift: Coils of the Serpent.• Shadow Brethren (Level Five) — As the ShadowLord Gift: Shadow Pack.Ceilican Gifts• Faerie Light (Level One) — As the Fianna Gift.• Satyr’s Wisdom (Level One) — The Ceilicancan play any musical instrument as if he’d been rearedwith it in his hands.System: The character permanently adds three diceto all attempts to perform with a musical instrument.• Banish Burning (Level Two) — As the homidGift: Master of Fire.• Sorcerer’s Blade (Level Two) — The werecatmay enchant an edged weapon so that it becomes supernaturallypotent.System: The player spends a point of Gnosis androlls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6). Successenables the weapon to inflict aggravated damage untilthe next sunrise.• Faerie Kin (Level Three) — As the Fianna Gift.• Phantasm (Level Three) — As the Fianna Gift.• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) — As the Galliard Gift.• Small Cousin (Level Four) — The Ceilican gainsthe ability to shapeshift into a house cat. While notterribly useful physically, this form is very unobtrusive.System: This Gift grants a permanent alternative optionwhen shifting into feline form. Housecat form effectivelyhas Strength and Stamina 1, and grants +2 Dexterity.• The Madness of Crowds (Level Five) — As theBone Gnawer Gift: Riot.Khan Gifts• Rhino’s Favor (Level One) — By calling on thespirit of the rhino, the Khan may grow a horn on her skull.Although unsightly, this protrusion makes for a fine weapon.System: The player spends a Rage point to growthe horn. It lasts for one scene, and may be used to goreopponents for Strength + 2 aggravated damage. Theattack is difficulty 7.

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