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Metis Gifts• Create Element (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Sense Primal Nature (Level One) — As the metisGift: Sense Wyrm, save that its difficulty is one higherand it can simultaneously sense and discern emanationsof the Weaver, Wyrm, and Wyld.• Shed (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Blinding Moonbeam Gaze (Level Two) — Thewerecat shoots bright beams of moonlight from her eyes.These don’t inflict damage, but can blind or distract anopponent, and provide illumination as well.System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7), andmay turn her “high beams” on and off at will for the restof the scene. The moonbeams are roughly equivalent toa high-powered flashlight.• Whisker Sight (Level Two) — The Bastet gainsperfect perception of everything within arm’s reach ofher — even if it’s behind her or invisible.System: The player rolls Perception + Primal-Urge(difficulty 7). This Gift lasts for one scene.• Fist of Cahlash (Level Three) — The Bastet candestroy any material thing with a snarl.System: The player spends a Rage point and rolls Rageagainst difficulty 6 (for inanimate objects) or 8 (for living andundead targets). Each success destroys 10 pounds of contiguousmatter, reducing it to dust. A canny Bastet could use thisGift to weaken a building, or dispose of toxic waste. Used ona living creature, each success inflicts one level of bashingdamage. The Bastet must be able to see what she intends todestroy, and it must be close enough to hear her snarl.• Visceral Agony (Level Three) — As the BlackFury Gift.• Moon’s Gateway (Level Four) — As the RagabashGift: Open Moon Bridge.• Wrath of Nala (Level Five) — As the HakkenGift: Divine Wind.Feline Gifts• Heightened Senses (Level One) — As the lupus Gift.• Mine (Level One) — Rubbing against an object,the Bastet magically claims it as her own.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Anyoneattempting the steal the object at any point afterwardmust roll Willpower (difficulty 9) before doing so.• Pounce (Level One) — As the lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap.• Catfeet (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift.• Prehensile Tail (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift:Monkey Tail.• Chains of Mist (Level Three) — As the Uktena Gift.• Underbelly (Level Three) — As the ShadowLord Gift: Fatal Flaw.BASTET• Beast Life (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.• Revolt of the Land (Level Five) — As the RedTalon Gift: Gaia’s Vengeance.Bagheera Gifts• Humbaba’s Escape (Level One) — This Giftallows a wereleopard to dislocate her limbs and slidethrough small openings.System: The difficulty of all rolls to escape bonds orslide through small gaps is permanently reduced by two.• Treeclimber (Level One) — As the StargazerGift: Balance.• Lawgiver’s Legacy (Level Two) — As the PhilodoxGift: Command the Gathering.• Ojas Surge (Level Two) — By channeling thespiritual energy within himself, the Bagheera can boosthis physical and perceptual abilities to impossible levels.System: To perform this Gift, the Bagheera must firstmeditate for (6 – current Rank) minutes, then the playerrolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). Each success may be used toboost one of the following Attributes by one dot for therest of the scene: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma,Perception or Wits. The successes may be distributed asthe Bagheera wishes, and can raise Attributes beyondfive dots. Multiple uses of this Gift do not stack.• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Weak Arm (Level Three) — As the philodox Gift.• The Paradox of Time (Level Four) — The werecatshows her target a dizzying and nonlinear view of thevast sweep of time, producing sickness and confusionrather than enlightenment.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Enigmas against a difficulty of the target’sWillpower. For each success, the subject becomes disorientedfor two turns, suffering a –3 penalty to all dice pools. Mageswith any dots in the Time Sphere are immune to this Gift.• Shiva’s Might (Level Five) — The mightiest ofwereleopards may change into a Juddho form reminiscentof Shiva the Destroyer. In a burst of holy light, theBastet becomes a 12-foot-tall, six-armed Crinos-werecatwielding mystical flaming weapons, which lays waste toeverything around it until nothing moves.System: The player spends two Rage points and twoGnosis points. The Bagheera springs into Juddho form andenters an indiscriminate killing frenzy. This form persistsfor (Bastet’s permanent Rage) turns. After the transformationends, the Bastet loses all Rage, assumes his breed formand falls asleep for four hours. The Juddho form’s traits are:Strength +6, Dexterity +3, Stamina +6, Appearance 0,and its weapons inflict Strength + 4 aggravated damage.87

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