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PryioA Pryio is a subtle indicator of a Bastet’s truepersonality; it determines how the cat approaches lifeand handles the challenges thrown their way. Whileit is often determined by the time of day in which theBastet achieved her First Change, Pryio can shift if theBastet undergoes a severe life change. A Bastet regainsWillpower whenever they do something particularly inkeeping with her Pryio.• Daylight: Bastet with the Daylight Pryio aretypically open and direct in their dealings. They can betaken at their word, and prefer straightforward battlesif conflict is necessary. Daylight Bastet tend to be diplomats,warriors, lawgivers, and protectors. They havean optimistic take on the world and the events therein.Those with a Daylight Pryio regain Willpower whenthey face serious challenges head-on, and win throughcourage or good nature.• Twilight: Twilight cats have a penchant for mysteriesand magic, and tend to see the world in shades ofgrey. They are questioners and questers, seeking the truthbehind the scenes. They are often detectives, lawyers,spies, or mystics, searching for hidden meanings in all oftheir endeavors. Twilight Bastet are often driven by theiremotions and are insatiably curious. They regain Willpowerby solving mysteries, thinking rather than reacting, orcreating puzzles or riddles that can lead others to truth.• Night: Night Pryio Bastet often possess a sinisteror hidden nature. Most Bastet with this Pryio withdrawfrom others, concentrating on their own business unlessinterrupted. Although they might not be activelymalignant, they often have short tempers, quiet ways,and fiercely guard their privacy. Night Bastet gravitatetowards occupations such as assassin, scholar, scientist,and practitioners of dark magics. In the wilderness, theNight cats are hidden hunters and man-eaters, with nastydispositions and eerie reputations. Activities that causeothers discomfort, reinforce their private space, or protect avaluable secret from outsiders can refresh their Willpower.FormsBastet can change into five forms: Homid, Sokto,Crinos, Chatro, and Feline. They function in most respectslike their Garou counterparts, and the difficultiesassociated with shifting forms for the Garou apply to theBastet as well.• Homid: Bastet in Homid form tend to be attractive,but are indistinguishable from normal humans.• Sokto: The Sokto form is a hybrid of human andfeline characteristics, with the emphasis on the humantraits. The Bastet’s limbs lengthen, claws extend fromBASTETher fingers upon command, and her facial features, eyes,and teeth become more catlike. Her body hair thickens,and she becomes disturbingly inhuman.• Crinos: This form is an anthropomorphic blend ofcat and human, built for battle. The Crinos form offers theBastet the greatest protection, while still allowing him tomanipulate weapons and equipment. Bastet in Crinos forminvoke the Delirium, although to a lesser degree than normal(Delirium is reduced by two ranks on the Delirium Chart).• Chatro: The primordial war-form, Chatro takes thefeline form and super-charges it. This form is stronger thanany of the other forms, massively built, and utterly terrifying.The Bastet’s canines extend to a length of 3-5 inches, allowingher to inflict an extra die of damage with Bite attacks.The Bastet evokes the Delirium at full strength in this form.• Feline: The Bastet’s Feline form is like that of hernormal feline Kin. It is more useful for movement thanany of the other forms.GiftsUnlike Garou who learn most of their Gifts fromspirits, Bastet most often learn from other werecats, orby “stealing” them from other shapeshifters. They havea much easier time instructing one another in Gift-usethan do the Garou; it generally only takes a single nightof instruction for one werecat to impart a Gift to another.Bastet begin play with three Gifts: one Level Onegeneral Gift, one Level One breed Gift, and one LevelOne tribe Gift.General Bastet Gifts• Banish Sickness (Level One) — With a lick anda purr, the Bastet can cure minor diseases and chasevenoms away.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Medicine. The difficulty depends on theseverity of the illness. Incurable maladies such as canceror AIDS are beyond this Gift’s power.• Catfeet (Level One) — As the lupus Gift.• Diamond Claws (Level One) — As the AhrounGift: Razor Claws.• Lick Wounds (Level One) — As the TheurgeGift: Mother’s Touch.• Open Seal (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Sense Magic (Level One) — As the Uktena Gift.• Sense the Truth (Level One) — As the PhilodoxGift: Truth of Gaia.• Sense Unmaker’s Hand (Level One) — As themetis Gift: Sense Wyrm.• Silent Stalking (Level One) — The Bastet maymove over any surface without making a sound for anentire scene.85

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