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Form StatisticsSokto Crinos Chatro FelineStr: +2 Str: +3 Str: +4 Str: +3Dex: +1 Dex: +2 Dex: +2 Dex: +2Sta: +2 Sta: +3 Sta: +3 Sta: +2Man: –1 Man: –3 Man: –3 Man: –3App: –1 App: 0Beginning Rage: 5Beginning Willpower: 2Starting Gifts: Razor Claws, Skin of JadeThe Yava of the Khan• The Khan belong to the tribe of the sun; when hesleeps, they sleep also. During an eclipse, all Khanslumber for one day, then awaken hungry.• Khan cannot resist the meat of an innocent child,though it violates their laws to eat it.• A tiger cannot resist a direct challenge. To turn awaycosts him his rage for a fortnight.PumoncaThe Pumonca travel a long and lonely path, wanderingthe wilderness of North America, in search ofAsura blight or bits of forgotten wisdom. Although theywalk alone, the rest of the Bastet respect them for theknowledge they bear, the tales they tell — and theirsingle-minded dedication to their native lands.OrganizationPumonca have no organization. They are so isolationist,in fact, that they are the only tribe whose members are morelikely to encounter other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> than their ownkind. This has hurt the werecougars considerably, since cubshave no established way to learn about Gaia, advance theirrank, or coordinate their efforts when a task proves too greatfor a single Pumonca to tackle. Some of the tribe’s elders aretrying to establish a rudimentary communications networkwith their fellows. However, as a tribe, the Pumonca areindependent enough that even this vital task is in dangerof failure due to lack of cooperation.DistributionPumonca have traditionally been most populous in thewooded, mountainous regions of North America, althoughtheir feline Kin extend into South America as well. Evenwithin those lands, the werecougars rarely establish setterritories. Instead, they prefer to wander the continent,seeking new stories, and sniffing out new threats.Kin and AppearanceHistorically, Pumonca have chosen their humanKin from Native American racial stock. But with native80CHANGING BREEDStribes being herded onto reservations and many of theirmembers integrating with non-native populations, thePumonca now take mates where they can find them.Werecougars take their partners from among nomads,travelers, survivalists, and those who prefer the openroad — or undeveloped lands — rather than the city orsuburbs. Anyone still in touch with Mother Earth andHer ways might be considered as a mate for the naturelovingPumonca. The werecougars tend to be pickierabout their feline Kin, however, recognizing how few ofthe North American great cats still exist. Those bornfrom Florida panthers tend to seek other cats in thatpopulation when it comes time to mate, and the sameholds true for cougar populations ranging from the Rockymountains, the Cascades, or the Appalachians.Pumonca are strong and lithe, and often have swarthyskin, either by virtue of Native American descent, or justextensive exposure to the elements. They are, for themost part, a quiet race, exhibiting neither the blatantpower nor the raw majesty of many other Bastet tribes.However, they have stronger ties to the land than mostof their Kin and this state of being “at one with theirsurroundings” is apparent in all of their forms.Form StatisticsSokto Crinos Chatro FelineStr: +1 Str: +2 Str: +3 Str: +2Dex: +2 Dex: +3 Dex: +3 Dex: +2Sta: +1 Sta: +3 Sta: +2 Sta: +2Man: –1 Man: –3 Man: –3 Man: –3App: –1 App: 0Beginning Rage: 4Beginning Willpower: 4Starting Gifts: Mockingbird’s Mirror, Wanderer’s BoonThe Yava of the Pumonca• A Pumonca is one with her land; if she leaves it formore than a full moon cycle, she will die.• The essence of the poisoned land (toxic waste, radiation,sewage) is deadly to a puma. Immerse him in itstoxins and he will quickly perish.• All beasts fear the puma. No horse will bear him, nodog will follow him. The great cats are his Kin andthey befriend him, but no other animal can approachwithout terror.QualmiSly and witty, the Qualmi are the most introspectiveof the Bastet, and the most maddening to deal with. Whilethey enjoy company (in small doses), their enigmaticways and inscrutable attitudes ensure that few beyondclose friends and family can stand to be around them

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