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Form StatisticsSokto Crinos Chatro FelineStr: +0 Str: +1 Str: +2 Str: –1Dex: +1 Dex: +3 Dex: +3 Dex: +4Sta: +0 Sta: +1 Sta: +1 Sta: +1Man: –1 Man: –3 Man: –2 Man: –2App: –1 App: 0Beginning Rage: 1Beginning Willpower: 5Starting Gifts: Alms to the Poor, Scholar’s FriendThe Yava of the Bubasti• When all immortals of the tribe are slain, the tribeitself will die with them.• The Black Soil of Khem is forever tied to the tribe; ifall Bubasti in a generation flee the land, they will bethe last of their kind.• Bubasti hunger. Although their appetite is for somethingdeeper than food, they will always eat what isput before them.CeilicanLegends claim that this tribe died out in the greatwitch-purges of the 1500-1600s. The legends lie. TheCeilican, fearing the fate which is attributed to them,simply chose to take their existence into the shadows, andlet those who would have purged them from existenceassume they’d been successful.For centuries, the Ceilican have succeeded in hidingin plain sight, pretending to be members of other tribes.However, even while infiltrating, they keep in touchwith other of the fae-cats through an arcane networkcalled “the Silent Way”.While most Bastet have a Pryio that indicates theiroverall personality, the Ceilican mercurially shift Pryio,which makes friendships and long-term relationshipsdifficult for them. Even the most freewheeling Ceilicanhave a manic, unstable air; this, combined with theirsecretive nature and duplicitous façade, leads to a tribethat is both enigmatic and volatile — a virtual powderkegwaiting to go off.OrganizationIn part by nature, and in part to protect their secretexistence, Ceilican wander the globe, rarely interactingwith those of their own kind. The exception, however, isa tribe-wide revel held each Samhain eve on the Scottishmoors. Some of the tribe feel this meeting is a single pointof vulnerability for their kind; an enemy could literallydestroy every one of the fae-cats by targeting their shindig.However, the revel speaks to their nature on sucha base and primal level that no Ceilican wishes to bethe first to boycott it, no matter how high the danger.Distribution and KinOriginally, the Ceilican tribe hails from Northern Europe,and their feline Kin were the maneless lions that were drivento extinction early during man’s occupation of the region.Or so some claim.Others of the tribe purport that their ancestry isactually linked to the Scottish wildcat, a small felinethat hunted the forests of the British Isles throughout thePre-Industrial Era before being driven to near-extinctionthrough the destruction of its once-thickly-woodedterritory. Still others claim that it is no mortal cat withwhom the Ceilican share heritage, but instead the CatSí, a feline fae-spirit.Regardless of the truth of their original lineage, thetribe’s feline Kin have been lost to history, either longextinct, nearly extinct, or driven away from mortal landsby the onset of the iron-heavy Industrial Revolution.And so, to ensure their tribe’s continued (albeit covert)existence, over the centuries Ceilican and their Kin haveinterbred with every other Bastet tribe while pretendingto belong there. From amongst their “adopted” tribe,they tend to take lovers who inspire passion in them —musicians, artists, poets, and others who are led more bytheir heart than their head.MERCURIAL CATSCeilican are a fervent tribe, ruled by theirpassions and their mercurial natures. At leastonce per year, every Ceilican shifts personalities,changing her looks, lifestyle, and name.Before abandoning one life and taking upanother, she sends out a series of clues to thoseclosest to her. In time, those who are privy toher secret track her down again, while othersare left wondering whatever happened to thatindividual who made such an impact in theirlife and then disappeared.Ceilican sometimes return to an old persona,appearing out of nowhere to step back into a lifelong-abandoned. This isn’t common, however,in part because their memories of previous livesare hazy at best. Until they actually take up thepersona again, earlier lives feel more like a seriesof movies watched years ago, not real experiencesfrom their past.BASTET77

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