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Flaws 209Shark Teeth 209Can’t Eat Solid Foods 209Unsure Footing 209Backgrounds 209Ajaba 209Ananasi 209Bastet 210Den Realm 210Corax 210Gurahl 210Umbral Glade 210Kitsune 210Mokolé 210Mnesis 210Wallow 211Nagah 211Ananta 211Nuwisha 211Ratkin 211Rokea 211Shared Backgrounds 212Secrets 212Umbral Maps 212Totem 212Combat Maneuvers 213Ananasi 213Bastet 213Corax 214Mokolé 214Nagah 214Rokea 214Pack Tactics 215New Pack Tactics 216<strong>Changing</strong> Breed Quick List 216Frenzy 216Regeneration 216Vulnerabilities 216Stepping Sideways 216The Delirium 217The Veil’s Effect 217Renown 217Types of Renown 217Ajaba 217Ananasi 217Bastet 217Corax 218Gurahl 218Kitsune 218Mokolé 218Nagah 218Nuwisha 218Ratkin 219Rokea 219Sample Renown Awards 219Cunning 219Ferocity 219Glory 220Honor 220Humor 220Infamy 220Innovation 221Obligation 221Succor 221Valor 221Wisdom 222Renown Chart 222Ajaba 222Ananasi 222Tenere 222Hatar 222Kumoti 222Bastet 222Corax 222Gurahl 222Kitsune 223Doshi 223Eji 223Gukutsushi 223Kataribe 223Mokolé 223Striking and Warding 223Unshading and Crowning 223Concealing and Gathering 223Shining 223Nagah 223Nuwisha 223Ratkin 223Rokea 223Brightwater 223Dimwater 224Darkwater 224<strong>Changing</strong> Breed Abominations 224Chapter Four: The Lost <strong>Breeds</strong> 226Extinction 227The Lost <strong>Breeds</strong> in Modern Day 228Apis 230History 230Minotaurs and Time 232<strong>Breeds</strong> 233Auspices 233Traits 233Forms 233General Apis Gifts 233Rites 235Rite of the Earth’s Womb 235Camazotz 236History 236Traits 238Forms 239Merits 239Microchiroptera 240General Camazotz Gifts 240Fetishes 241Shadow-Curse Doll 241Grondr 242History 242After the End 244<strong>Breeds</strong> 245Traits 245Forms 246General Grondr Gifts 246Rites 247Rite of the Hungry Soul 247The Others 248Khara 248Organization 248Distribution and Kin 248Appearance 248Form Statistics 248Gifts 248Okuma 249Home Territories 249Kinfolk 249Tribal Culture 249Appearance 249Gifts 249Ao — The Turtle Varna 249Ratkin Bards 250Bard Gifts 251Appendix One: The Ahadi 252Looking to the Future 252The Rise of Black Tooth 252Might of the Tyrant Simba 253Formation of the Ahadi 254Black Tooth Defeated 256Organization 257The Senior Council 257Body of the Ahadi 257Power of the Ahadi 257Reactions 258Ajaba 258Ananasi 259Bastet 259Corax 260Garou 260Mokolé 260Nagah 260Ratkin 261Rokea 262Others? 262Code of the Ahadi 262Remember Our Mother’s 262Wisdom in AppointingEach His PlaceTrust Your Brother’s Strength, 263and Make It Your OwnMany Roads Stretch Beneath 263One SkyWe Share One Mother, 263and One Enemy.Divided, We Have Fallen. 263United, We Will Rise.All Are Welcome at the Fire 263Threats to the Ahadi 264Henrik Lamar 264Ahmadou 264Nomfazwe 265Ramla 265Ahadi Mechanics 265Making an Ahadi Character 26614CHANGING BREEDS

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