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KYPHUR CATSIt is also possible that Set’s curse is the onlything keeping the Bubasti from extinction —ifthey desert Egypt then Cat will turn his back onthem and allow the fate of their Kin to befallthe Bubasti (see “Extinction and the CunningCat,” below). Some Bubasti know that this willnot happen, for a far darker fate befell the lastKyphur cats. A group of vampires kidnapped ahandful of Kyphur and feed them on blood to thisday, forcing the animals into a state of immortalmadness. The vampires do not know of the tiesbetween a breed and their animal Kinfolk, or theywould have killed the ghouled Kyphur long ago.Kin and AppearanceBubasti Kin are almost exclusively of Egyptian descent,and it is quite rare to find even Nubians amongthem. This is less an issue of breeding preference andmore one of dynastic succession: the khepur elders of thetribe have maintained rather rigidly controlled familiesfor centuries, and they are loath to introduce new bloodwhen they can avoid it. Many younger Bubasti think thisabsurd, but obedience to their elders has been ingrainedso deeply that it is difficult for any but the most rebelliousto disobey.Long-limbed and graceful, even among the Bastet,the Bubasti are considered unusually attractive in all oftheir forms. Their fur is always sleek and jet-black infeline form, a legacy of the Kyphur cats that were theirancestral breeding stock. In human form they are leanand lithe, with high cheekbones and prominent noses.roles of scholars and researchers themselves, constantlyworking behind the scenes in an effort to sabotage thedarker forces in the world through indirect means. Manymagic-workers and sages count the Bubasti as potentialcontacts or allies, finding their knowledge and magicalaffinity invaluable.OrganizationBubasti are highly organized, at least as far as Bastetgo. The tribe is ruled by six elders, known as khepur, whohave an intriguing secret — they are effectively immortal.Potent gifts allow them to seize new bodies upon theirdeaths, giving them a level of longevity and patiencethat rivals that of even the eldest vampires. This meansthe tribe tends to be more circumspect in its activitiesthan most other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>, since they can affordto bide their time until circumstances favor them.Each of the tribe’s elders has his or her own projects,and each coordinates the activities of a portion of thetribe in the pursuit of those projects. Bubasti society isthus rather clannish in nature, with each faction mindingits own business unless something truly momentousdemands the attention of the tribe as a whole.DistributionSet’s curse ensures that the Bubasti can never entirelyflee Egypt, as doing so might destroy the tribe within asingle generation. Because of this, and because of theinsular organization described above, the Bubasti tendto spend most of their time in their ancestral homeland,and rarely venture forth to visit other locations.BUBASTI MAGICBubasti are renowned for their magical ability.Their proprietary magics resemble rites, inthat they take time and preparation to perform.Like the human mystics they were originallytasked to protect, Bubasti favor summoning,cursing, herbalism, and alchemical magics.If the Storyteller is inclined to do so, she mayallow the Bubasti players to design unique spellsfor their character to use. These spells mightmimic the other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>’ Gifts (includingthose from <strong>W20</strong>) or even be designed fromscratch with power commiserate in level to thosefound in other Rites. For a more robust system,consider the Merit: Cat Magic in Chapter 3.Bubasti magic is a wonder, even to Bastet ofother tribes. On the down side, however, sucharts have unpleasant side effects. AccomplishedBubasti sorcerers of Rank 2 or higher smell faintlyof the Wyrm, which often hampers their relationswith other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>. Bubasti withstrong magical leanings thus tend to stay in theshadows even more than their cousins, leavingrelations with other shapeshifters to their lessmagically inclined associates.76CHANGING BREEDS

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