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BASTET LEXICONAsura: Asura refers both to the spirits of darkness(Banes), which feed on the destruction of theworld, and to their father/creator, the CorruptorWyrm.Cahlash, the Unmaker: The personification ofEntropy. Although Cahlash is technically theentity the Garou call the Wyrm, it is the ancientembodiment of the Balance Wyrm, rather thanthe current, corrupted aspect. As such, the Bastetconsider him the Father of Night and the Authorof Mysteries. To them, he’s dangerous, seductive,and ultimately essential.Chatro: The huge sabertooth war-form that all Bastetattain between Crinos and Feline forms.Chaya: Denizens of the Umbra, the brood of Cahlash,and the shadows at the edge of the world; spirits.Crinos: The half-human form of Moon-Rage, whenthe power of Seline brings forth the strongestelements of a Bastet’s nature and focuses theminto a mystical killing machine.Den-Realm: An Umbral home territory, staked outby a powerful Bastet. Creating a Den-Realm ishard work, and violating it is a deadly crime.Folk, the: A casual term for Bastet, also applied moreloosely to all the changing breeds.Homid: The human form, or human breed, of awerecat.Jamak: Spirit allies who aid a werecat in return forfavors and friendship. Similar to the totems ofthe Garou, although the relationship betweenBastet and Jamak is more egalitarian.Kuasha: Literally, “mist.” The mentor who takes aBastet under his protection, teaches her what sheneeds to know, then drives her away (or leaves)to teach the cub self-reliance.Nala, the First Mother: Known by the werewolvesas the Wyld, Nala personifies the metaphysicalstate of Creation.Nyota Jamaa: “Star Family;” those primal entitiesthe Garou call the Triat — Nala, Rahjahand Cahlash. Also known simply as the Jamaa(“Cousins”), a name that also applies to lesspowerfulspirits.Padaa: A sense that combines smell and taste froma distance. To use it, a Bastet opens his mouth,flares his nostrils, and inhales. The air passesacross his tongue and an organ in the roof of hismouth, allowing him to perceive multi-sensorydetails about the world around him.Pride: Technically, one’s family. Usually describes awerecat’s allies, dependents, or friends.Pryio: The “Moon Favor,” a personality tendencybased upon the time of day a Bastet attains herFirst Change. The werecat’s true essence, notthe face she shows to others except in the mostgeneral ways. Though the concept resembles theGarou Auspices, Pryio carry no special Gifts orsocial requirements.Rahjah, the Maker: Known by werewolves as theWeaver, Rahjah personifies the metaphysicalstate of Stasis.Sokto: The huge proto-human form between theHomid and Crinos states.Taghairm: A cat gathering, often called in oneBastet’s Den-Realm or home, to exchange informationand pleasantries. Usually performedduring the height of the full moon.Tahla: A secret disguised as a story or riddle. If youunderstand one, you’ve learned something; ifnot, you weren’t smart enough to deserve enlightening.Tribe: One of the nine werecat races.Yava: A tribal secret, hidden from all outsiders, thatgrants another being power over you if learned.The most tightly guarded of all Bastet lore,these are exposed only under the most extremecircumstances, if even then.BASTET71

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