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System: The player rolls Gnosis. Each success causesthe target inanimate object to lose one soak die.• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) — As theTheurge Gift.• Ill Winds (Level Four) — The Hatar weakens thebarrier between worlds, allowing Banes to materialize ina location more easily.System: The werespider cuts her arm and spendsthree blood points; the player rolls Intelligence + Occult(difficulty 5). Each success reduces the Gauntlet in theimmediate area by 1 for one hour per success.• Still Blood (Level Four) — The Ananasi’s bloodcan paralyze a victim through contact.System: A victim splashed by the werespider’s freshblood loses three points of Strength. The victim’s Strengthreturns at a rate of one point per hour.• Burning Blood (Level Five) — The Ananasi turnsher blood to acid.System: The Ananasi may activate this Gift at will.Contact with acidic blood inflicts (permanent Gnosis)dice of aggravated damage.Kumoti Gifts• Inspire (Level One) — As the Black Fury Gift:Breath of the Wyld.• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the TheurgeGift.• Arachnophobia (Level Two) — The Kumoti mayinflict an irrational fear of spiders on her victim.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’sWillpower). The effect lasts for one day per success.• Insight of the Mother (Level Two) — As theTheurge Gift: Sight From Beyond.• Alter Lilian (Level Three) — The Kumoti mayalter her Lilian form at will, rearranging it to suit her whim.System: The player makes a Willpower roll (difficulty7). The changes remain until the Gift is used again.• Sense Motion (Level Three) — As the lupusGift: Scent of Sight, but using motion-detection ratherthan scent.• Mindblock (Level Four) — As the Silver Fang Gift.• Nature of the Beast (Level Four) — As theTheurge Gift: Feral Lobotomy, save that its effects wearoff at the end of the scene.• Assimilation (Level Five) — As the homid Gift.Myrmidon Gifts• Illusion of Size (Level One) — As the ShadowLord Gift: Icy Chill of Despair.• Open Seal (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Hydraulic Strength (Level Two) — As the LevelFour general Ananasi Gift. Myrmidons alone may buythis Gift at Level Two.• True Fear (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Scorpion Tail (Level Three) — The Ananasigenerates a huge, fully functional scorpion’s tail, completewith venom and stinger. This Gift may only be used inLilian and Pithus.System: The player spends three blood points tocreate the tail. It inflicts Strength + 2 aggravated damageon a strike (difficulty 7), and may inject either theAnanasi’s native venom or any Gift-based venom thewerespider knows how to create.• Weak Arm (Level Three) — As the Philodox Gift.• Blood Hunt (Level Four) — As the RagabashGift: Pulse of the Prey, save that the Ananasi must haveencountered her mark within the last 24 hours, or fedfrom him at some point in the past.• Drying Bite (Level Four) — As the RagabashGift: Whelp Body.• Image of the Great Mother (Level Five) — Fora short time, the Ananasi assumes the form of a massivecreature with four spider-like legs, four human-like arms,eight glowing red eyes, and enormous fangs, covered overin thick, chitinous armor. The Myrmidon must remain inCrawlerling form for one week after donning the GreatMother’s aspect.System: The player spends two Gnosis points androlls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 9). If successful, theGreat Mother form has the following Attributes: Strength+ 5, Stamina + 6, Perception +2 and Appearance 0.Each arm inflicts Strength + 2 aggravated damage withits terrible claws. All that view the Great Mother form— even other shapechangers and werespiders — mustroll Willpower (difficulty 7) or suffer the Delirium (reducedDelirium for shapeshifters). The transformationlasts for one scene.Viskr Gifts• Curse of the Great Web (Level One) — TheViskr makes the process of entering the Umbra moredifficult for a single individual.System: The Ananasi touches her target and theplayer rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6) in order toincrease the Gauntlet by 3 for the victim. The effectslast for a scene.• Shroud (Level One) — As the Uktena Gift.• Mindspeak (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.• Minor Unweaving (Level Two) — The Viskr maynegate a spell, Gift, or other actively-used supernaturalpower by Unweaving the effect.ANANASI67

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