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Form StatisticsLilian Pithus CrawlerlingStr: +2 Str: +4 Str: 0Dex: +3 Dex: +1 Dex: +5Sta: +2 Sta: +3 Sta: 0Man: –1 Man: –3 Man: 0App: 0 App: 0 App: 0to give them the desired appearance) or through theGift: Alter Lilian. Bite and claw maneuvers can be usedin this form.The Lilian form increases in height and weight fromthe human form by about 50%, most of it in the formof elongated (and additional) limbs, exoskeleton, andabdominal mass.• Pithus: The Ananasi’s Pithus form is that of agiant spider. The werespider’s weight doubles comparedto its Lilian form, producing a spider with a body massof between 500 and 700 pounds. Size varies drastically; ashort, stout wolf-spider Pithus might be roughly the size ofa small car, while a long-limbed harvestman-esque Pithusmight have smaller body mass but a two-story leg span.Pithus flesh and chitin becomes tougher and morepowerful. The circulatory system becomes more hydraulic,allowing the Pithus to shift her weight about and increaseher strength where it matters most. The Pithus form isideal for producing webs with the tensile strength ofsteel (see Webs, p. 61). The Ananasi can use bite andclaw maneuvers in this form, and, like the Lilian form,it invokes the full Delirium.• Crawlerling: The most misunderstood of allAnanasi forms, the Crawlerling “form” involves thebreakdown of the Ananasi into hundreds or thousandsof normal-sized spiders equal in mass to the Ananasi’shuman body mass. When an Ananasi assumes this form,some of the spiders serve as leaders, others as followers.These “leaders” possess the sum of an Ananasi’s memoriesand consciousness split between them, and direct themovement of their followers.This form is best for escape, hiding, or infiltration. Ifeven a few Crawlerling spiders survive, the Ananasi caneventually reconstitute herself, given time and the consumptionof protein (normally other spiders) to rebuildher mass. If a “leader” dies, the portion of memories andpersonality contained by that individual spider dies withit. If a significant portion (1/3 or more) of the Crawlerlingsperish, the reconstituted Ananasi may appear (and act)quite different from the original individual.Crawlerlings can produce webs as normal spiders do.Although the form itself does not invoke the Delirium,any mortal who happens to see the breakdown of anANANASIAnanasi into Crawlerling form (or its reformation fromCrawlerling to another form) suffers the full effect ofDelirium.GiftsWerespiders grant their loyalty to only one spirit:Queen Ananasa. She teaches them all of their Gifts asthey meditate in their Sylies. Ananasi begin play withthree Gifts: one general Gift, one Aspect Gift, and oneFaction Gift.Any ’copied’ Ananasi Gift which calls for a Rageexpenditure substitutes blood points instead, and anyRage rolls use Gnosis instead.General Ananasi Gifts• Balance (Level One) — As the Stargazer Gift.• Cling (Level One) — As the Uktena Gift: Spiritof the Lizard.• Many Eyes (Level One) — The Ananasi can seein 360 degrees around herself. Those looking directlyat the werespider see nothing out of the ordinary, but ifglimpsed from the corner of the eye, the Ananasi appearsto have eyes all around her head.System: The player spends one blood point. TheGift lasts for one scene.• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Resist Toxin (Level One) — As the Bone GnawerGift.• Stolen Moments (Level One) — The Ananasi canrob a victim of the most recent few minutes of memories.System: The werespider must touch the victim. Theplayer spends one Gnosis point, and must succeed in aGnosis roll (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower). Successsteals the last 15 minutes of the target’s memories.• Hand Fangs (Level Two) — The Ananasi’s “hands”develop sharp, fang-like points which may be used toinject one dose of venom per hand into a victim.System: The player spends one blood point. The“fangs” last for one scene and do aggravated damageequal to the werespider’s Strength, in addition to injectingvenom.• Man-Spider Form (Level Two) — Throughextensive refinement of her shapeshifting capabilities,the Ananasi learns to take on a “near-human” form.This Araneid form darkens the Ananasi’s skin and spotsit with coarse, bristly hair. Her eyes take on a reddishsheen, and her fingers terminate in small, sharp claws,while her reflexes are dramatically improved.System: The character assumes Araneid form inthe same manner a Garou assumes Glabro. Its Attributeadjustments are Strength +1, Dexterity + 3, Stamina +1,Appearance –1, and its claw attacks inflict lethal damage.65

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