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Most of the Ananasi forms have multiple limbs, butthey are bound by the same penalties for taking extraactions as any other character. However, they may usetheir extra hands to carry more items (including weapons)and should they lose the use of a limb in battle, they stillhave a spare or two in reserve.VenomEven if the spider species they emulate does not,Ananasi also possess venom-producing glands (andfangs capable of delivering this venom via a bite). Theseare present in all forms (including Homid), allowing awerespider to bite with poisonous effect regardless of hiscurrent shape.The Damhàn’s current form does, however, affect thevenom’s potency. Ananasi in Pithus form produce fullstrength venom; in Lilian form, their poison is somewhatdiluted. Storytellers should determine for themselves theexact amount of damage (and any extra effects) based onthe particular “spider” species, but venom always dealsaggravated damage that can only be healed throughmedical attention or magical healing. Left unattended,the damage will never heal.WebsNot all natural spiders build webs. As a whole,however, the Damhàn are connected to GrandmotherSpider, the greatest web-mistress of all. Thus, even if anAnanasi bears the visage of a non-spinning species, histies to Queen Ananasa provide him with the ability tocreate webs.When in Pithus form, Ananasi can spin webs that arealmost as strong as steel (an effective Strength of 9) andyet as flexible as natural spider webs. Pithus webs takefour health levels of damage before they break. Creatingwebs costs a Pithus Ananasi one blood point to create aweb large enough to block an industrial sized doorway,fill a small closet, or ensnare a large human (or CrinosGarou). In Crawlerling form, all Ananasi can spin websthat have the strength of ordinary spider webs — thisdoes not require the expenditure of blood.Rage, Shapeshifting, and FrenzyUnlike their more volatile Ovid cousins, the coldheartedand emotionless Damhàn do not possess Rage,and thus do not rely upon it for shapeshifting. To movefrom any one form to any other, a werespider must succeedin a Stamina + Primal-Urge roll, or spend a bloodpoint to reflexively shift to her chosen form.Ananasi inherently experience emotions differentlyfrom most other beings. Although they are capable offeeling joy, sorrow, anger, and the like, they do so in amuted and distant fashion. This can sometimes make itTHE SYLIEDuring her Umbral Instruction, each Ananasilearns to weave her own private lair amongstthe Great Web. This place, called the Sylie, appearsto outside eyes to be a normal residence (bethat apartment, hotel room, or shadowy cellar),but connects to the Umbra in a fashion similar tothe Bastet’s Den-realms. It serves as a place of restin which the Ananasi can replenish her Gnosis,and Damhàn can meditate there to attempt tolearn Gifts directly from the Great Mother. Italso allows the Ananasi to communicate directlywith Queen Ananasa in her opal prison.As it is a place of sanctuary for them, manyAnanasi bring their prey into their Sylie to feedupon them. While Damhàn do not necessarilyneed to consume enough blood at each mealto kill their victim, this can lend their homes acertain macabre quality, if their predations are(accidentally or intentionally) lethal in nature.difficult for them empathize with more emotion-drivencreatures, which can be a blessing or a curse dependingon the situation. However, because of this distance, andbecause they do not possess Rage, they do not normallyfrenzy. They can be induced to frenzy through supernaturalmeans, but the difficulty to do so is raised by 2.Entering the UmbraThe Ananasi’s relationship with the Web (whichother shapeshifters call the Gauntlet) is unique. Inorder to cross into the Umbra, werespiders must assumetheir Crawlerling form and make their way through theWeb’s strands. Once they have crawled across, they mayassume any form they wish, but they may only successfullyenter or leave the Umbra under their own poweras Crawlerlings.Because of their Queen’s relation to GrandmotherSpider, the Ananasi find it easier to cross into the Umbrawhere the Weaver holds firm control.AreaDifficultyServer Room 2Office Building/Metro Area 4Suburb/Small City 6Farmland/Large Park/Rural Area 8Untouched Wilderness 9ANANASI61

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