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Anansi: The first and wisest of the Ananasi. Accordingto some, Anansi is still alive, directinghis Queen’s worshipers through subtle and hiddenmeans.Aspect: The subset of Ananasi determined by whichpart of the Triat the werespider is dedicated to.The aspects include: Hatar (the Wyrm), Kumoti(the Wyld), and Tenere (the Weaver).Crawlerling: The natural spider form. Ananasi canseparate themselves into a mass of normal-sizedspiders, and then regroup into one of their otherforms at a later time.Damhàn (DOM-hahn): The name which the Ananasicall themselves.Faction: The given role that each of the Ananasifollows. The factions include: Myrmidon (Warrior),Viskr (Wizard), and Wyrsta (Questionerof the Way).Grandmother Spider: The Weaver.ANANASI LEXICONQueen Ananasa: The creator of the Ananasi andthe guiding force behind everything they do.She is both their Spirit parent and their totem.Sylie (SI-lee): A haven and connection to theUmbra (and thus to Queen Ananasa) that eachAnanasi creates; something like a Den-Realm.Symmetry: The ultimate goal of the Ananasi andQueen Ananasa: the restoration of the Triat totheir proper places and eventual restoration ofuniversal balance.Tapestry, the: Proper perspective on the universe.According to Ananasi thought, the universe ismade of endless strands; only by observing thewhole of this grand Tapestry can any creatureunderstand its proper place in the Universe.Tenere: Weaver-aspected AnanasiUnweaving: Deliberate alteration or destruction ofa part of the Tapestry or Great Web, in order torestore Symmetry.Great Mother, the: Queen Ananasa.Great Web, the: The universe as a whole. It is nolonger perfect, and that imperfection is what theAnanasi seek to repair. Different than the Webor Web of Ananasa (see below).Hatar: Wyrm-aspected Ananasi.Kumoti: Wyld-aspected Ananasi.Lilian: The spider/human hybrid form.Mother-Queen: Ananasa.Myrmidon (MEER-mi-don): The martial factionof the Ananasi.Ovid (OH-vid): The other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>, mostlyconsidered by the Ananasi to be insignificantcompared to their own place and duty.Pithus: The giant spider form.Viskr (VIS-kr): The magic-focused faction of theAnanasi.War in the Heavens: The great battles that led tothe fall of the Triat and the building of the Web.Weaving: Deliberate alteration, restoration, or creationof a part of the Tapestry or Great Web inorder to restore Symmetry.Web, the: The Gauntlet. While this is a hindranceto most of the Ovid, the Ananasi use the Webto serve their own purposes. Different than theGreat Web (see above) or Web of Ananasa,below.Web of Ananasa: The connection and politicalbody of the Ananasi as a whole. The entire raceof Ananasi as relates to the great scheme of theMother-Queen.Wyrsta (WEER-stah): The “questioning” factionof the Ananasi.as to hide them from the casual observer. As such, fromher early Metamorphosis onward, an Ananasi is lesslikely to accidentally rend the Veil than any other ofthe <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>.Umbral InstructionAlthough it is subtle compared to many shapeshifters’First Change, the final Metamorphosis of a young Ananasiinevitably attracts the attention of others of her kind. Fol-58CHANGING BREEDS

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