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• Calling the Eshu (Level Three) — As the FiannaGift: Faerie Kin. Ajaba use this Gift to summon taletellingspirits to enlighten their packs.• Exorcism (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.• Song of Heroes (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) —As the Philodox Gift.• Bitter Tears (Level Four) — Standing in thepouring rain, the Ajaba composes a spontaneous poemexpressing his sorrow at Gaia’s fallen state; the intensityof the rain redoubles, and it carries some measure of hissadness. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Expression (difficulty 7). All humanstouched by the rain whose main dwelling is in a placewith a Gauntlet of 7 or higher are seized with a greatlistless melancholy so long as the rain lasts, suffering a–3 penalty to all dice pools. This Gift may only be usedwhile standing in the rain.• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) — As the GalliardGift.• Phantasm (Level Four) — As the Fianna Gift.• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) — As the GalliardGift.• Rain of Doom (Level Five) — Standing in therain, the Ajaba points to a man-made object or buildingand spits insults and curses at it, expressing his rage anddisdain. The rain acts as acid when it strikes the structure,pitting concrete and corroding steel. A pain-spiritteaches this Gift.System: The player spends three Rage points androlls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). The successesgained dictate how large a structure may be destroyed.Only one success would be necessary to tear down a cabin,three for three-story house, or five for an office complex.This Gift may only be used when standing in the rain.Dusk Gifts• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Fatal Flaw (Level One) — As the Shadow Lord Gift.• Laughter in the Night (Level One) — Like anygood hyena, the Ajaba is much more dangerous oncethe sun goes down — and far bolder in taking prey. Anight-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The character permanently adds one die toall Stealth rolls at night.• Open Seal (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Scent of Running Water (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Spirit Snare (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.54CHANGING BREEDS• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Whispers in the Grass (Level One) — Thewerehyena may move soundlessly through any naturalenvironment; grass bends without making any noise, anddry twigs break silently beneath her tread. A mouse-spiritteaches this Gift.System: The player rolls Wits + Stealth, difficulty6. Success reduces the difficulty of moving quietly innatural environments by 3 (to a minimum of 2). ThisGift has no effect in man-made environments.• Ambush (Level Two) — When the Ajaba strikesfrom concealment, her blow burns with Rage, felling heropponent in a single strike. A jaguar-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player may spend one Rage point whenmaking a surprise attack, after rolling damage, to doublethe amount of damage inflicted before soak.• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) — As the RagabashGift.• Luna’s Armor (Level Two) — As the Child ofGaia Gift.• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) — As theTheurge Gift.• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) — As theRagabash Gift.• Paralyzing Stare (Level Three) — As the ShadowLord Gift.• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) — As theTheurge Gift.• Smoky Passage (Level Three) — Having struckher blow for Gaia, the Dusk may easily escape beforethe carnage she’s unleashed catches her in its jaws. ThisGift allows her to leap through a wall as though it weremade of smoke, leaving behind only an unearthly rippleto mark her passage. A smoke-spirit teaches it.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. TheAjaba may spring through any wall during that turn ather full movement speed, so long as it is no thicker than(Ferocity) feet.• Umbral Strike (Level Three) — As the generalRatkin Gift: Backbite.• Becoming the Night Jester (Level Four) — Thoughthis Gift offers no power during the day, by night theDusk’s Crocas form takes on an aspect of ancient nocturnalterror — a primal, red-eyed, and black-furred hyenathe size of a polar bear. Hyena herself teaches this Gift.System: At night, the character’s Crocas form addsone to its Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina. This Gift’seffects are permanent.• Echoes of the Asamando (Level Four) — PowerfulAjaba of the Dusk learn dark roads to victory, gleaningwisdom from voices most would quail to hear. This Gift,

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