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• Laugh of the Hyena (Level Three) — As theBone Gnawer Gift.• Laughter of the Soul (Level Three) — TheAjaba’s barking chuckle worms into enemies’ minds,becoming a harbinger of terror and madness. Fear-spiritsteach this Gift.System: The Ajaba laughs, and the player rollsManipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the victim’sWillpower). One success makes the target uneasy, threeinduces shivering paranoia and anxiety attacks, andfive send him fleeing into the night screaming. Rollingthree or more successes drives creatures capable of fearfrenzy into that state, unless they spend two Willpowerto resist for the rest of the scene. Even then, they remainunnerved and jumpy.• Culling the Weak (Level Four) — The Ajaba usethe strength Gaia granted them to mark the weak — andthen allow their enemies’ very weakness to prepare themfor the slaughter. This Gift is taught by a vulture-spirit.System: Whenever an opponent who has not yetmanaged to injure the Ajaba during the scene attemptsto attack the werehyena, but fails to inflict any healthlevels of damage with that attack, they automaticallylose one point of Willpower and one point of Rage (ifapplicable).• Gnaw (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.• Gorge (Level Four) — As the Red Talon Gift.• Strength of Kilimanjaro (Level Five) — As theGet of Fenris Gift: Endurance of Heimdall.• Survivor (Level Five) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.• Withering Stare (Level Five) — As the generalBastet Gift.Dawn Gifts• Beat of the Heart-Drum (Level One) — As theWendigo Gift.• Finishing Blow (Level One) — A merely woundedenemy is an enemy that can still fight; dead, he can dono more harm. This Gift, taught by a lion-spirit, helpsthe Ajaba finish her kills.System: When attacking an enemy already sufferinga wound penalty of at least –2, the player may spendone Rage point (before rolling the attack) to double theAjaba’s Strength for the purpose of determining damage.• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) — As the Getof Fenris Gift.• Pack Tactics (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Razor Claws (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Command Spirit (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift.• Dancing with the Dawn (Level Two) — As theFianna Gift: Flame Dance.• Shield of Rage (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Teeth at Dawn (Level Two) — To act first is asign of confidence and power; a hyena who has seizedthe initiative in battle is nearly unstoppable. A jaguarspiritteaches this Gift.System: Whenever the Ajaba has the highest initiativein a combat turn, she adds two dice to each ofher attacks that turn. This Gift’s effects are permanent.• Bloody Feast (Level Three) — As the WendigoGift.• Redirect Pain (Level Three) — As the Get ofFenris Gift.• Sense the Unnatural (Level Three) — As thelupus Gift.• Silver Jaws (Level Three) — As the AhrounGift: Silver Claws, save that it enhances bite ratherthan claw attacks.• Battle Fury Focus (Level Four) — The Ajabaenters a battle trance, minimizing the openings she leavesfor opponents. A mongoose-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). The Ajaba canreflexively dodge all attacks directed at her for the restof the scene with a pool of three dice.• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) — As theTheurge Gift.• Stoking Fury’s Furnace (Level Four) — As theAhroun Gift.• Bone Cracker (Level Five) — As the Get ofFenris Gift: Fenris’ Bite.• Strength of Will (Level Five) — As the AhrounGift.Midnight Gifts• Beast Speech (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Burning the Vision (Level One) — The Midnightcan etch a moment into another’s memory, ensuringthat they can never forget so much as a single detail ofwhat they see or hear. This Gift, taught by a servant ofHelios, is often used at the scenes of terrible atrocitiesagainst Gaia.System: The Ajaba touches the one he wishes toforce remembrance on and spends one Willpower point.The target gains perfect recall of everything that happensduring the scene until his dying day.• Mindspeak (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the TheurgeGift.52CHANGING BREEDS

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