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aspect is determined by the time of day that she undergoesher First Change. From sunrise to midday, she is Dawn,from midday to dusk she is Dusk, and when the sun isdown, she is Midnight. All Ajaba regain two points ofRage each sunrise.In the years since the Endless Storm massacre, however,nearly equal numbers of males and females havemanifested in each aspect. Future generations of Ajabamay be interested in the ramifications of an assumedlysupernaturaltrait changing due to cultural schisms —assuming the Breed survives long enough to study it.• Dawn: Dawn Ajaba are filled with fury and Rage,eager to fight with their foes or to prove their dominanceover their own kind. They are feisty and combative,easily-offended and hyperactive, and have historicallymade strong pack-leaders — although they usually lackthe control necessary to lead an entire clan.Beginning Rage: 5Beginning Gnosis: 1Starting Gifts: Beat of the Heart-Drum, FinishingBlow, Lightning Reflexes, Pack Tactics, Razor Claws• Midnight: Midnight Ajaba are balance made manifest.While their anger may not equal that of the Dawnaspect, nor their supernatural strength that of the Dusk,neither do they have particular weaknesses in either area.Historically, males among the Ajaba frequently exhibitedthe Midnight aspect. This gave them a uniqueplace in Ajaba society, as they were considered some ofthe most stable and balanced individuals of the Breed,despite their low social standing. The irony of this stateof affairs was not lost on them.Midnight aspect Ajaba are often the glue that holdsthe pack or clan together, and many of their aspect Giftsreflect that talent — or the simple ability to endure inthe face of adversity.Beginning Rage: 3Beginning Gnosis: 3Beginning Gifts: Beast Speech, Burning the Vision,Mindspeak, Perfect Recall, Tears of the Heavens• Dusk: Dusk Ajaba turn their Rage inward, learningmore subtle ways to fulfill their sacred duty. Dusk aspectwerehyenas strike from the shadows, stalking their preyuntil they are most vulnerable. They know how to seebeyond the obvious, ferreting out their target’s weaknessesand using them to full advantage, whether thatbe to cull the herd, or lead the clan.Beginning Rage: 1Beginning Gnosis: 5Starting Gifts: Blur of the Milky Eye, Fatal Flaw, OpenSeal, Scent of Running Water, Whispers in the Grass50CHANGING BREEDS

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