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The female Ajaba have encountered resistance in themale-dominated region but they are cunning and know thepower of well-chosen words in the ears of men. They’vealso used male catspaws to gain leadership roles amongthe humans. The females are not content to just organizeothers to fight, they excel at daring raids and hit-and-fadestrikes in the moonlit night, nimbly sidestepping the human’srigid gender roles.The Aktu of the Middle Eastern packs have kept communicationsopen using modern technology, spirits, andAjaba couriers. They share stories of strength, expertiseand combat readiness, all with a singular goal in mind.When Kisasi’s alliance strikes against Black Tooth and hisallies, the clans of the North African and Middle Easternregions will move back to the homelands — blooded,angry, and ready for revenge.EuropeEurope is not particularly welcoming to the Ajaba,with most countries categorizing the werehyenas as refugeesfleeing the wars and famines gripping much of Africa.Many European countries have closed their borders to allAfrican immigrants, including the rainmakers and theirKin. The few werehyenas who settled there have doneso quietly. Other nations like the United Kingdom allowrefugees, but strict border controls mean that it is ofteneasier for Ajaba to enter the country illegally. After all,human authorities do not recognize the danger of beingslaughtered by werelions.Strategically minded Aktu often use the ease of travellingbetween European nations to their advantage whenworking on a dangerous plan. A few have tentatively approachedthe proud European Garou, proposing allegiancesand offering to work with the werewolves. Simultaneously,small groups of werehyenas strike at Garou Kinfolk andinterest in ways that implicate the Simba and then spreadrumors of Black Tooth’s ambitions outside Africa.Some European Garou are beginning to notice thepattern, but whether they recognize the ruse for what itis and destroy the Hyenas, or turn their Rage against theBastet in a third War of Rage, none can say.IndiaThe Ajaba find India an easy place to hide but difficultplace to live. India has a reasonable number of Africanmigrants, and these new refugees are unremarkable amongthe human population. The difficulties stem from India’sswift growth. In rural areas, many people hold to vestigesof the caste system, and are happy to relegate refugeesto the bottom. In urban areas, the rush of expansiondemands migrant workers to do the jobs considered toomenial for other Indians, again leaving the Ajaba on thebottom rung of society. This closes off many opportunities,and in return many Ajaba vanish into the criminalunderworld. Naturally, they come into conflict with theRatkin nests that claim India’s cities as their own. Earlyskirmishes between the two <strong>Breeds</strong> were unfavorable tothe werehyenas, but caught the attention of other shapeshifters.Many among the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> of India alsooppose the Ratkin. If the Ajaba can survive long enoughthey may find allies — and hope for a future.The Ajaba of India face another peril they have yetto realize. On the western coast of the subcontinent, ahandful of Indian Simba tend to a small population ofAsiatic lions, coaxing them back from near extinction.These Simba keep to themselves and have little contactwith other shapeshifters, but they know of Black Tooth’sbounty on the remaining werehyenas. Currently, they aredebating whether befriending or hunting the Ajaba willbenefit them in the long run.Asia — Beast CourtsThe Ajaba living in areas controlled by the Hengeyokaiare baffled by what they have found. The BeastCourts are an alien experience to the werehyenas; so toois the willingness that different <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> haveto work together in this structure. The rainmakers aretoo weary from fleeing the Endless Storm to provokean unnecessary fight. These lands do not belong to theAjaba, and they do not claim any dominion over them.Some of the more curious young werehyenas have approachedthe Hengeyokai hoping to find a place in theBeast Courts. A few were accepted into wave sentai,and used the opportunity to immerse themselves in thisunfamiliar culture. As they find acceptance from theirsentai some now seek the Rite of the Second Face to finda role more suited to their individual natures.The older Ajaba are generally content to live andlet live. They seek time to rebuild and avoid causingtrouble for the Beast Courts if the courts don't maketrouble for them.North and South AmericaAmerica and Canada took in many African refugees,but this proved a mixed blessing for Ajaba as it broughtthem into the heart of Garou territories. The werehyenaswho have settled in the Americas stay on the move,searching for a place to call their own. Because theygravitate to roles where strength and power hold sway,they frequently come into contact with werewolves. Itseems that anywhere the Ajaba may go, they will findGarou already there.The traditional territories of the Ajaba saw fewGarou, mostly African Red Talons and Silent Striders,who have not passed knowledge of the werehyenas onto their American cousins. As such the werewolves doAJABA47

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