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from America and Europe, provide a rallying point for agrowing number of local shapeshifters who have forsakenthe traditions of the hengeyokai and become increasinglywesternized. One of the largest groups is lead by a packof Boli Zousizhe in Hong Kong, who are slowly buildingan alliance between a number of <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> thatrivals the nearest court of hengeyokai. Perhaps moreworryingly, a growing number of Korean Nezumi havemade contact with wererats outside of the Beast Courts.As a result, they’ve caught some of the infectious madnessthat drives the western Ratkin, and are slowly tradingcenturies of tradition for rage-filled anarchy.All across East and Southeast Asia, members of theBeast Courts are struggling to find their place in a rapidlytransforming world. Some hengeyokai see these newalliances and factions as a threat, and they cling to theirtraditions while rejecting new or foreign ideas. Whilethey may ignore new shapeshifters, the twin problemsof pollution and habitat destruction will not go away,and the additional resources of western shapeshiftersmay hold the key to dealing with these vital issues. Agrowing number of wave sentai dedicated to climatereform and green technology now include <strong>Changing</strong><strong>Breeds</strong> from around the world who now call the MiddleKingdom home. Some elders may disapprove, but thesenew, inclusive sentai argue that desperate times call fordesperate measures.CHAPTER ONE: THE CHANGING WORLD 39

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