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Some sentai are created for a single short-term goal,such as defeating a particular group of Bakemono, orsecuring a newly-discovered Dragon Nest. These “wave”sentai are alliances of convenience — members do notshare a totem, and may have little to do with one anotherexcept during in the direct pursuit of their goal. Membersof wave sentai can come from different courts and, onrare occasions, include Kumo or even shen from outsidethe Beast Courts. “Mountain” sentai, on the other hand,are as enduring as their name. Established more for bondsof pack and family than to accomplish a specific task,members of mountain sentai always come from the samecourt, and share a single totem.The MandatesIn the beginning, the Emerald Mother gave thefirst Beast Courts nine Mandates. The hengeyokai treatthese laws as sacred, and expect all members of the BeastCourts to do their best to obey them. Many among thehengeyokai consider the first and final Mandates to bethe most important, but violating any of them is groundsfor harsh punishment.Shirk Not the Tasks Which Have Been Given YouEvery Breed has a purpose, and all members of eachBreed should do their best to fulfill their expected duties.The Hakken fight the Wyrm, the Tengu uncover hiddenthings, the Nezumi keep humanity in check, the ZhongLung hold the world’s memories, the Khan battle theWyrm and learn its secrets, the Nagah secretly judge(and sometimes execute) the hengeyokai, and the Same-Bito defend the seas. Each of these tasks is vital to theEmerald Mother’s purposes, and none should be ignored.Guard the Wheel That It May Turn in FullnessThe hengeyokai must understand that change is anatural part of the Emerald Mother’s plan. She expectsthem to accept the hardships and sacrifices needed toallow the Wheel to turn, and to fight those who wouldattempt to stop the Wheel in an age that favors them.Presume Not To Instruct Your Cousin in His TaskThe members of one Breed should not interfere withthe duties of another. Each shapeshifter must trust thatthe other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> will do their best to fulfillthe Mandates, and should worry more about makingcertain that their own Breed does the same. Only theNagah have the right to judge traitors throughout theBeast Courts, but even they have no jurisdiction overthe merely foolish or incompetent members of other<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>.Honor Your Territory in All ThingsEach hengeyokai court must look after its DragonNest and maintain positive relations with the local spirits.Let Mercy Guide You in Our August Mother’s CourtsThe hengeyokai should act in a spirit of toleranceand cooperation with their own kind, and also with othersupernatural beings who uphold the Mandates. Many37

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