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• Blurring the Mirror (Level Four) — As theTheurge Gift.• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four) — As theTheurge Gift.• Scent of Beyond (Level Four) — As the PhilodoxGift.• Spirit Drain (Level Four) — As the Theurge Gift.• Spirit Ward (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.• Malleable Spirit (Level Five) — As the TheurgeGift.• Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Five) — Asthe Theurge Gift.Leaf• Blur of the Milky Eye (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Open Seal (Level One) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Scent of Running Water (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Whisper Catching (Level One) — As the ShadowLord Gift.• Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) — As the RagabashGift.• Pulse of the Prey (Level Two) — As the RagabashGift.• Spider’s Song (Level Two) — As the RagabashGift.• Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) — As theRagabash Gift.• Monkey Tail (Level Three) — As the lupus Gift.• Pathfinder (Level Three) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three) — As theTheurge Gift.• Umbral Dodge (Level Four) — As the RagabashGift.• Whelp Body (Level Four) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Paws of the Newborn Cub (Level Five) — Asthe Silver Fang Gift.• Thousand Forms (Level Five) — As the RagabashGift.Pillar• Beast Speech (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Call of the Wyld (Level One) — As the GalliardGift.• Heightened Senses (Level One) — As the lupusGift.• Infectious Laughter (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the TheurgeGift.• Perfect Recall (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Call of the Wyrm (Level Two) — As the GalliardGift.• Command the Gathering (Level Two) — As thePhilodox Gift.• Distractions (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.• Dreamspeak (Level Two) — As the Galliard Gift.• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) — As theTheurge Gift.• Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Song of Heroes (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Song of Rage (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Song of the Siren (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.• Bridge Walker (Level Four) — As the GalliardGift.• Gift of Dreams (Level Four) — As the GalliardGift.• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) — As the GalliardGift.• Wall of Granite (Level Five) — As the PhilodoxGift.Courtier• Breath of the Wyld (Level One) — As the BlackFury Gift.• Lightning Reflexes (Level One) — As the Getof Fenris Gift.• Master of Fire (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Perfect Recall (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Flame Dance (Level Two) — As the Fianna Gift.• Sight From Beyond (Level Two) — As theTheurge Gift.• Staredown (Level Two) — As the homid Gift.• Wuxing (Level Two) — As the Stargazer Gift.• Exorcism (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.• Open Moon Bridge (Level Three) — As theRagabash Gift.• Scent of the Oathbreaker (Level Three) — Asthe Philodox Gift.• Song of the Siren (Level Three) — As the GalliardGift.286CHANGING BREEDS

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