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their martial prowess and their importance to the BeastCourts. However, they are also the least numerous of thehengeyokai. Tigers are near extinction, and the felineBreed of Khan is rarer still. Most only exist because daringKhan sneak into well-guarded tiger reserves to breedwith captive tigers. Although almost all Khan are of theHomid Breed, their ties to humanity considerably lessclose than those of the Hakken.OrganizationWhen they are away from their court, most Khanlive solitary lives, rarely seeing others of their own kindexcept when an elder is teaching a cub their ways. Theyare less social than most of the other hengeyokai, toavoid giving an opportunity for the Wyrm's forces to killseveral of them at once. Khan only tend to mingle withthe other shapeshifters in their Court and their sentai,where they traditionally take the role of Fist or Pillar.Although the vast majority of weretigers are as skilledand knowledgeable about warfare as the Hakken, theirtactics and methods are quite different. The Khan donot care to fight with honor, grace, and discipline; theyknow that the only thing that matters is how quickly theycan kill their enemies. While the Hakken always striveto balance victory and honor, if the battle is important,Khan choose victory over honor. Hakken and Khanare often at odds with one another; many werewolvesbelieve the weretigers are barbarians, and most Khan seethe Hakken are far too human.Khan TraitsUnlike other Bastet, Khan are able to purchase theAncestors Background, thanks to their long centuriesof association with the Beast Courts.KumoIn the aftermath of the War of Shame, the Kumoabandoned their previous ties to the other <strong>Changing</strong><strong>Breeds</strong> and turned their back on the Emerald Mother.Instead, the vast majority of Asian werespiders now servethe Wyrm. To the shapeshifters of the Beast Courts,the Kumo are terrifyingly familiar — both as honorableenemies that they meet in open battles and as silent anddeadly killers who leave behind shriveled corpses swaddledin foul silk. Kumo live in all portions of Asia. Mostprefer to make their lairs in dimly lit regions, especiallyabandoned buildings, deserted caves or forgotten ruins.Unlike the Western Black Spiral Dancers, the Kumohave not given themselves to the Wyrm in body andsoul. Instead, each Kumo makes the deliberate choiceto follow the corruptor. Of course, it's far from a freelymade choice. Any Kumo who shows too great an interestin the Beast Courts or the Emerald Mother risks its274CHANGING BREEDSparents or fellows devouring her. Beyond their lack oftolerance for traitors in their midst, the Kumo reserve aspecial level of animosity for any of their kind who leavetheir ranks to dwell among their enemies.Despite the formidable risks, a few Kumo throwtheir lot in with the Beast Courts to serve the EmeraldMother. Some flee their werespider cousins at the firstopportunity and petition for entry into one of the localBeast Courts. Since the number of truly devoted Kumois dwarfed by the liars and double agents who try toinfiltrate the Courts, the Beast Courts use every magicat their disposal to make certain that the petitioner ishonest in their desire. If the Kumo passes their tests, theCourt accepts the individual, but usually regard her withsuspicion — and any Nagah in the court will keep thewerespider under close observation.Other Kumo seemingly remain loyal to their ownkind, but pass warnings and other useful informationto allies among the Beast Courts. At least some Kumoregard these efforts as a complex game where they delivera mixture of invaluable warnings, half-truths, and dangerouslies. Out of deference to the position they onceheld, any Kumo can appear at a Beast Court under thetense boundaries of diplomatic immunity when a greaterthreat looms.OrganizationMost Kumo live solitary lives, but a few dwell in smallvillages where an elder presides over several youngerKumo and their Kinfolk. These well hidden communitiesare eerie places, and the inhabitants often dine onany uninvited or accidental visitors.When a Kumo elder dies, if there is no obvious replacementall who wish to lead engage in a deadly contestknown and the Endless Maze. The younger Kumo craftelaborate mazes full of traps. The contenders for eldermust navigate the maze while hunting each other. Thesurvivor eats the losers and becomes the new elder.Kumo Traits and GiftsKumo differ from western Ananasi in several noteworthyways. First, unlike the Ananasi, Kumo have asupernatural weakness to the sacred wood known as hongmu. This causes them damage and affects their Gnosis inexactly the same manner that silver debilitates the Garou.Second, Kumo lack factions or Auspices — all aremarked by the Destroyer, even those who have chosento forsake the Wyrm. As such, Kumo choose their Giftsfrom the general Ananasi list, the Hatar list, and from theRagabash Garou list. Less disciplined than the Ananasi,Kumo begin with Willpower 2.Finally, the Kumo are capable of producing metis,and consider doing so a great and rare honor. Kumo metis

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