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The Way ofEmerald VirtueUnlike the western <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>, an individual’srole in her sentai determines her Auspices within theBeast Courts. Traditionalists believe that a sentai shouldideally contain a member of each Auspice, but traditionand reality often don’t agree. All members of the BeastCourts earn Renown based on their Auspice, regardlessof which <strong>Changing</strong> Breed they belong to. Even the rareKumo or western Garou who join the Beast Courts gainRenown in this fashion.RenownRegardless of Auspice, all of the members of the BeastCourts earn three types of Renown — Glory, Virtue andWisdom. Every member of the hengeyokai understandsthat all three types of Renown are facets of a greaterwhole. One who pursues Glory is certain to also accrueat least some degree of Virtue and Wisdom, since noneof the three Virtues can ever exist without the othertwo. Although most individuals focus on a particulartype of Renown, members of all Auspices recognize theimportance of gaining all three types to maintainingtheir personal balance and harmony.Hengeyokai gain Renown by fulfilling the duties oftheir Auspice and by earning the respect of their peers,elders and ancestors. The Asian <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> usuallyaward Renown in formal ceremonies held in the BeastCourt, but individuals who perform truly exceptionalactions can immediately earn Renown from the acclaimof their comrades and any nearby spirits.Losing Renown is a rare and shameful event. Membersof the Beast Courts only lose Renown by ignoring oracting against the duties of their Auspice or by committingshameful acts, like betraying their sentai or Court.Hengeyokai consider deliberate actions to be the worstoffenses, but they also severely punish serious mistakesmade through careless or foolish behavior, or displays ofcowardice or greed in the course of important duties. Inthe troubled Fifth Age, the Beast Courts have no placefor liars or incompetents.GloryBravely defending a Dragon Nest, standing in battleagainst deadly Bakemono, or defeating a seemingly overwhelmingfoe are all actions that earn Glory Renown fora shapeshifter. Hengeyokai can also gain Glory throughless obviously impressive but equally important actions,like steadfast determination, or fierce and unwaveringloyalty in the face of danger. Even in its purest form,Glory requires a modicum of wisdom. Those who finddeath by throwing themselves needlessly into battle earnno Glory. The members of the Beast Courts understandthat their numbers are far too few for any to risk theirlives in pointless deeds of bravery.VirtueHengeyokai gain Virtue by adhering to the Mandatesof Heaven (p. 37), and from their dedication to honesty,integrity, compassion and civility in all facets of life. Thepath to virtue is somewhat different for each Breed andeven for each Auspice. An important part of gainingVirtue is adhering to the different duties that the EmeraldMother gave to each separate Breed. Hakken earn Virtueby living up to their fierce warriors' code, but Nagah earnVirtue by acting as secret and cunning judges. In manyways, Virtue is similar to what most Western Fera callHonor, but for the hengeyokai, the definition of Honordiffers from one Breed to another. Often, members of asentai earn Virtue by working together particularly well,as each member of the sentai performs the duties of theirbreed and Auspice in ways that aids the others.WisdomMembers of the Beast Courts earn Wisdom Renownby learning and using the teachings of the spirits of theMirror Lands and the Court of the Ancestors, and byseeking to understand their own nature and their individualweaknesses and strengths. Hengeyokai also gainCOURTIERS: THE SIXTH AUSPICEThe members of wave and mountain sentaitravel outside of their Dragon Nest to fight theBakemono and solve the various problems thatpresent themselves in ways that aide their Courtor the whole of the Beast Courts.Other hengeyokai aid their Court withoutjoining a sentai. Instead, they protect and carefor the Dragon Nest and any kinfolk or youngshapeshifters living there. Although manyhengeyokai consider their duties to be lessheroic than those of the sentai, the presenceof these courtiers is vital to the court’s safetyand well-being. In large courts, some courtiersserve as assistants and apprentices to one of thefour major officers, while others are guards andcaretakers. Courtiers earn Renown exactly likethe members of the other five Auspices.APPENDIX TWO: HENGEYOKAI271

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