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7). The character may emerge from any shadow up to(successes rolled x 5) yards away to make a surprise attack.The difficulty to soak any damage from this sneakattack is raised by 2.• Venom Blood (Level Three) — As the Get ofFenris Gift.• Armory of the Sun (Level Four) — The shapeshiftermay banish any dedicated fetish to the distantand well-guarded personal armory of Helios, later callingit back to hand when she needs it. A cat-spirit anda servant of Helios teach this Gift.System: The player rolls Wits + Occult against difficulty6 to banish a fetish or talen by tossing it up intothe sky, where it vanishes. When she wishes to retrieveit, she makes the same roll again to cause it to fall downinto her waiting hand.• Boundless Heart (Level Four) — As the RedTalon Gift: Gorge.• Call Elemental (Level Four) — As the UktenaGift.• Dam the Heartflood (Level Four) — As theSilent Strider Gift.• The Marriage of Sun and Moon (Level Five) —This mighty Gift allows a shapeshifter to very brieflypass his soul from the care of the Moon into that ofthe Sun, or vice-versa. A Lune and a servant of Heliosteach this Gift.System: The player spends two points of Gnosis.For the rest of the scene, a shapeshifter who is normallyvulnerable to silver becomes vulnerable to gold instead,and vice-versa. Characters who are vulnerable to bothsilver and gold (such as Mokolé), or those who takesimilar damage from a substance over than silver or goldcannot benefit from this Gift.• Thousand Forms (Level Five) — As the RagabashGift.• Unity of All Beasts (Level Five) — The shapeshiftergains the ability to commune with his kganmadi’stotem, temporarily lending it a small portion of his spirit,which it may then lend to the rest of the pack as a formof additional strength. A lion-spirit and a raven-spiritteach this Gift.System: The player may elect one of her Gifts tobecome a ‘bonus Gift’ offered by the kganmadi’s totem.Only one member of the kganmadi may use this bonusGift at a time, not including the character to whom theGift truly belongs — she can use it at any time. In orderto change which Gift is offered to the totem, the playermust spend one point of Gnosis.APPENDIX ONE: THE AHADI269

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