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• Ogun’s Blessing (Level One) — The Ahadi is anorganization of motivated youth, fusing ancient spiritpowerwith every tool the modern world has to offer.As such, they have been blessed with this Gift, whichbestows power over the products of metalworking. Awar-spirit and a metal elemental teach this Gift.System: The player spends one point of Willpower.For the rest of the scene, the character adds one die andlowers the difficulty by one on any roll to use a metal ormostly-metal object for the purpose of war. This rangesfrom using a gun to shoot her enemies, to driving a carin pursuit of an opponent, to using a lockpick to breakinto an ammo dump.• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Three Thousand Tongues (Level One) — Africais home to literally thousands of native languages,producing formidable barriers to understanding. ThisGift tears those barriers down, allowing the character tospeak and understand (but not read or write) every nativeAfrican language still spoken today. Two ancestor-spiritsof diverse origins teach this Gift.System: The player rolls Intelligence + Academics,difficulty 8. The effects last for the rest of the scene. Themore successes rolled, the more fluent her facility withAfrica’s many languages.• Anansi’s Guile (Level Two) — As the GalliardGift: Beast Speech.• Fury Jaws (Level Two) — The character’s biteinflicts an infuriating itch and a burning obsession,making it nigh-impossible to think of anything otherthan retribution. A raven-spirit and a hyena-spirit teachthis Gift.System: The player spends a point of Rage beforethe character makes a bite attack. If the attack is successful,the target takes a –3 penalty on any action otherthan attempts to attack the one who bit her for the next(character’s Rank + 1) rounds.• Impenetrable Veil (Level Two) — A kganmadihas even more secrets to keep than the average pack.This Gift deepens the effects of the Delirium, helping tokeep the work of the Ahadi hidden. A serpent-spirit (orservant of the Wani) and a shark-spirit teach this Gift.System: The player rolls Appearance + Primal-Urge,difficulty 7. All purely human observers who fall preyto the Delirium while in her presence for the rest of thescene react as though their Willpower rating were lowerthan it really is by one point per success.• River’s Bosom (Level Two) — When fullysubmerged in liquid of any sort, the character becomesinvisible. A serpent-spirit (or servant of the Wani) anda crocodile-spirit teach this Gift.System: The player spends one point of Gnosis androlls Wits + Survival (difficulty 6). The character mayremain invisible for the rest of the scene so long as sheremains perfectly still and either floats in place or letsthe current carry her; she may move deliberately, underher own power, for only one round per success before theGift’s power wears off. Launching an attack immediatelyends this Gift.• Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) — As the UktenaGift.• Brother’s Skin (Level Three) — Having mixedblood and spiritual bonds with another Fera, the shapeshiftermay take on the animal form of another memberof his kganmadi. Thus, a Simba in a kganmadi with aKucha Ekundu, an Ajaba, a Corax, and a Swara mighttake on the forms of a wolf, hyena, raven, or cheetah. Apredator-spirit and a prey-spirit teach this Gift.System: When the character wishes to transforminto the animal-form of one of his kganmadi brethren,the player must spend a point of Willpower and makea standard shapeshifting roll against difficulty 8. Onlythe animal form may be assumed — lupus, rodens, etc.Crawlerling form is too alien for non-Ananasi to masterthrough this Gift unless they are Rank Four or above.• Exorcism (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.• Ghost-Eating Technique (Level Three) — Theshapeshifter may consume the spiritual power of a defeatedspirit, destroying it forever. Additionally, she maystrike ghosts possessing an individual without harmingthat being’s flesh. To date, only the Bubasti and Ajabahave openly embraced this Gift, given its dark nature.Some combination of cat-, owl-, and hyena-spirits teachthis Gift.System: The player spends a point of Rage whenattacking a ghost-possessed individual. All damage isapplied exclusively to the ghost’s Essence (or the wraith’sCorpus, if using Wraith: The Oblivion). The player mayalso spend a point of Willpower after landing a blowthat destroys a spirit or ghost. The character gains 1–3points of Gnosis, depending on how powerful the spiritwas — one point per 10 Essence that the spirit startedwith. The spirit or ghost is consumed utterly, destroyingit forever. Eating a ghost in this fashion may be cause forloss of Renown for some <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>• Shadows Conceal Fangs (Level Three) — Theshapeshifter may sink into the shadows, emerging momentslater from another patch of shadow in order tolaunch a surprise attack. A serpent-spirit (or servant ofthe Wani) and a hyena-spirit teach this Gift.System: The character must already be concealed inshadows when this Gift is activated. The player spendsone point of Rage and rolls Strength + Stealth (difficulty268CHANGING BREEDS

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