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also said that Ahmadou is the only member of the pridewho Black Tooth did not see in the Tempest. Rather,Black Tooth rescued the Khan from being drowned bya crocodile when he was but a cub, and the young tigerfollowed him ever since.Those who have faced him say that Ahmadou is thegreatest fighter of the Endless Storm, even greater inphysical combat than Black Tooth himself. The Khanis both feared and respected for his tremendous battlerecord. It is widely known that he lived through the finalbattle with Black Tooth and now stalks Africa with anunknown purpose.Many fear Ahmadou will seek revenge for the deathof Black Tooth, or try to rebuild his power. Those whoknow Ahmadou — chiefly his enemies, for he has nofriends — scoff at the notion. In Ahmadou they see avaliant whose claws first seek the throat of the Wyrm,and then any foe worth slaying. In his endless quest tofight the Wyrm, Ahmadou has transcended Black Tooth’sgoals. Though he mourns the death of the Simba whowas like a father to him, he did not fall prey to BlackTooth’s corruption, and neither seeks to carry on hislegacy, nor seeks to hound his killers and take revenge.Initially the Ahadi thought they would have to slaythe Khan along with every other member of the EndlessStorm. But since the failure of their first attack, many feelthat pursuing Ahmadou to bring him to justice would bea foolhardy venture. Indeed, many believe that he hascommitted no crime, and that he should be left alone.Yet many within the Ahadi disagree.In the rush on Black Tooth’s stronghold, three Mokolétried to assassinate the Khan, to open a path to BlackTooth’s back. When Kiva arrived on the scene, she sawthe blood and destruction the Mokolé had wrought andhad assumed success, only for the young tiger to attackher from ambush. Ahmadou nearly killed her outright,and was about to finish her off when Kisasi drew himaway. The young Khan would have surely caught andkilled both of them if not for the death of Black Tooth.After the Simba’s mortal roar shook the compound, thefire of Rage bled out of Ahmadou and he disappearedinto the jungle.Now he remains a phantasm, striking at a Pit here,felling a mighty shapeshifter there, always vanishing,never waiting around to reap a reward for his efforts.Many still see him as complicit with a mass murderer— and many Mokolé want revenge for the three of theirnumber that he slew the night of the raid on Black Tooth.NomfazweAnother well-known remnant of the Endless Storm,Nomfazwe looks like a scarred, humorless Xhosa womanin her late 20s. She's actually a metis, and Black Tooth'sAPPENDIX ONE: THE AHADIbastard daughter. Her name means, “born into a time ofwar.” She spends most of her time in Homid form as aroving mercenary and arms dealer.Nomfazwe believes that with Black Tooth dead,Africa's stupid and weak shapeshifters have no hopeof standing in the face of the oncoming Apocalypse.Instead, she foments war on the continent, arming thehumans and setting them to the practice of killing andkilling and killing; she hopes to make Africa into a mealthe Wyrm will choke to death on, its humans ready torise up on the day of the Apocalypse and fight to theirfinal breath. She's willfully oblivious to the fact thatthe poison she's provoking into human spirits is itselfushering the Wyrm into the world.Though her metis birth has left her body unmarked,her mind is twisted — she's incredibly paranoid, andnever stays in an area for more than a few months beforemoving on to another conflict. This has helped keepNomfazwe alive now that the Ahadi are pursuing her.One Corax claims that he witnessed her meeting withAhmadou, but had no interest in joining her. Instead,he tried to kill his former packmate.RamlaAnother missing member of the Endless Storm,Ramla was a notorious sniper. She was last seen in thetower of Black Tooth’s compound, holding off an assaultby Bagheera and Corax with a fetish rifle carved from thetusk of an elephant spirit. Firing bullets of pure silver, itwas said that Ramla killed more Ahadi in the final attackon Black Tooth than the rest of her pride combined.By the time the Ahadi breached her tower, Ramlawas gone, apparently vanished. Since then, nobody hasseen any no evidence of her. Several shapeshifters claimthat she has been following members of the Ahadi —those who others believe have slain or hidden away thechildren of the Endless Storm.A duty-bound believer in Black Tooth’s vision ofAfrica, the fall of the Endless Storm will have changedher. Indeed, if Ramla still lives, her only goal will be tolearn the whereabouts of the children and kill anyoneshe has to in order to get them back.Ahadi MechanicsThe Ahadi are, at their heart, a gathering of youth.They lack the ancient, millennia-tested traditions andsecrets of the Beast Courts; instead, the Ahadi operatethrough a handful of newly-created (or perhaps newlyrediscovered)rituals, a smattering of kitbashed Gifts, afew powerful-but-tentative patrons, and a lot of improvisation.Most Fera who have heard of the organization265

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