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spider or rat in their kganmadi? Who can understand aRokea? The Senior Council expends more effort tryingto enforce this tenet than any other part of the AhadiCode, and it is this tenet, more than any other, thatdrives shapeshifters away from the Ahadi.Threats to the AhadiThough Black Tooth is vanquished and the EndlessStorm is no more, the Ahadi’s battles are far from over.The minority controls a conflux of territories that helpedmake Black Tooth almost unstoppable. Whether theyclaim to be peacemakers or lawgivers, many will always seethem as conquerors. Below are a number of threats that areguaranteed to force the nascent group into new conflicts.Hendrik LamarAn Awakened Mage, hunter and naturalist, Hendriktravelled to Africa from Dresden in the late ‘90s to huntBlack Tooth. However, Black Tooth employed hedgemages to distort Hendrik’s efforts and lead him into periland vice. They succeeded.Yet, when Black Tooth’s forces died, Lamar didn’tleave. Rather, he seized caerns in the power vacuumleft by the fall of the Endless Storm. Since then, he hasbuilt a base of contacts and armed followers, constructingcompounds to protect his nodes and to promote his“walking safaris” that he holds for tourists — spiced witha bit of magic to make them incomparable, of course.Hendrik is a powerful member of the Order of Hermeswho has tasted the magic welling up from the heart ofAfrica. He finds it irresistible, ancient and potent, andit sparks in him thoughts of seizing it — joining it — sothat he might become a part of something eternal.Never found without a large hunting rifle, a Bowieknife, or some other sign of his intimate connection tothe hunt, Hendrik’s ambitions have made him an enemyof practically every shapeshifter, Ahadi or otherwise. Mostwant him dead and he is quite aware of these desires. Evenso, he has petitioned the Ahadi to pay him for the timehe put into chasing Black Tooth. This petty extortionis just a smoke screen, however — even if they pay himhe does not intend to leave.AhmadouOne of the few survivors of the Endless Storm,Ahmadou has another distinction — he is a Khan, theonly non-Simba member of Black Tooth’s pride. It is264

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