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approval of the spirit world matter, in such cases? Moreto the point, is this the time for the Nagah to revealthemselves and step forward? The Nagah could solve theAhadi's issue of authority and enforcement of its codesvery handily but should they end centuries of secrecy?Or should they strike down the Ahadi as an aberrationthat has forgotten its place? This is the debate that drivesthe wereserpents.A number of Nagah provided covert and surreptitiousaid to the Ahadi during the war against Black Tooth —that the tyrant Simba had fallen into corruption andhad to die was beyond question. In the course of doingso, they revealed themselves to only two members of theSenior Council: Kiva and Kisasi. To date, those two haveproven trustworthy in keeping the secret of the Nagahwhile the wereserpents wrestle with their course of action— that, combined with their very high profiles, hasstayed the hand of Nagah assassins thus far.In truth, a bare few of the youngest and most recklessNagah have already tired of the debate and joined kganmadi.They want to prove the worthiness of the Ahadito their fellows through action. They do not yet speak oftheir membership with other wereserpents, and Kisasi hasimpressed on these kganmadi the importance of secrecy.The Sesha know of these young rogues, who haveunquestionably violated the sacred secret — but havenot yet ordered their deaths. Perhaps these young Nagahhave the secret approval of the Sesha, or perhaps theSesha are simply waiting to let events inform themwhether this bold action deserves to be rewarded withpraise or destruction.RatkinBlack Tooth paid a number of Ratkin to fight theAhadi, but as soon as he fell, that alliance vanished.Though the most hardline of the new alliance wanted tothin the Ratkin out, cooler heads prevailed — suspectingthat the Ratkin alone might outnumber the other<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> in Africa.The Ratkin remain solidly outside the Ahadi: theirterrorist methods bring them into immediate and frequentconflict with kganmadi. Theoretically, any Ratkin couldto join the Ahadi, but the number of those who haveremains in single digits. Most kganmadi don’t have thestomach for helping the Ratkin with their given dutieseven in those instances where the wererat in questionhas overcome the genocidal madness that consumesmany Ratkin in these final days.APPENDIX ONE: THE AHADI261

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