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themselves? Are they now to give up their caerns intothe hands of mongrel packs? No, say the Simba outsidethe Ahadi, it will not stand.Many younger Simba have set aside the natural arroganceof their tribe and work with the Ahadi to makeamends. That Black Tooth was hugely, monstrously corruptis shameful but true, and denying the truth simplymeans that rivers of blood were spilled for nothing. Thetyrant king’s actions have left deep, festering scars fromthe Kalahari to Cape Town, and setting things rightought to be the responsibility of the werelions. And theSimba are, after all, the mightiest Fera of Africa — theAhadi must have their aid if it is to endure.CoraxThe Makunguru, African Corax who breed withwhite-necked ravens, initially saw no point in joiningthe Ahadi. After all, it wouldn’t actually change whatthey did. In time, they have come around. The alliancemakes their jobs much easier, after all. Those that haven’teither don’t want to be burdened with any obligationsoutside of their traditional roles, or think the Ahadiis headed for a bad end. Very few Makunguru activelyoppose the Ahadi, but the handful that do have causeda great deal of woe for the young alliance, coordinatingthe more militant Ajaba and Simba.GarouThe role of the Garou in the Ahadi is tense, to saythe least. Their fellows still remember the War of Rage,although Black Tooth’s genocidal rampage has done muchto displace traditional resentment against the werewolves.The Kucha Ekundu have largely thrown their lotin with the Ahadi at the urging of their Mokolé allies,and were instrumental in the destruction of the EndlessStorm. Tragically, that battle decimated the ranks of theAfrican Talons — and the survivors are very consciousof what they’ve already sacrificed for their homeland.Being treated with mistrust and suspicion even after thatbrings the Kucha Ekundu’s Rage boiling to the surface.Silent Striders pose even more serious issues to thealliance. They travel far and wide, and speak of whatthey know — it’s the way of their tribe. At present,about two dozen Silent Striders have formally joinedthe Ahadi, but a far greater number surely know of theorganization. The far-sighted among Africa’s Fera worrythat the Silent Striders would roam far and wide, sitdown by the fires of other Garou, and tell of what theyhave seen. How will the Garou Nation react to storiesof an army of Fera organizing in Africa, seizing caernsand subjecting werewolves to its authority?Many fear that history has already seen the answer.Still, the Garou cannot be turned away or ignored — notonly would it be a clear violation of the Ahadi Code,but they bring enormous strength to any kganmadi. Todeny the werewolves would only provoke their Rage.Several members of the Senior Council even feel thatthey should recruit more Silent Striders as a priority —the wandering wolves will act as harbingers no matterwhat, carrying word of the Ahadi to the outside world.The Council believes that it would be best if their taleswere full of courage and praise, rather than ignoranceand paranoia.Still, trusting the werewolves remains a difficult leapfor the majority of the Ahadi, and so the Garou remainlightly represented in the organization.Mokole’Mokolé outside the Ahadi consider the entire affairto be either well outside of the task Gaia gave them, amad pipe dream that will never work — in all theirlong memory, nothing like this has ever worked. Thelaconic nature of the Mokolé means that few are militantlyopposed to the group, preferring to simply sit itout and wait for the Ahadi to fail. On the other hand,every werecrocodile who isn’t an ally represents a riveror swamp or jungle somewhere that a kganmadi can'tenter when duty bids them to do so.Among the African <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> the Mokolélend power and legitimacy, and every one that turns theirback on the Ahadi hurts their cause in the spirit courts.They also affect the general reckoning of the continent'sBête — particularly the Kucha Ekundu, who have closeties to the Mokole.On the other hand, several very respected elderssupport the Ahadi. Their influence has been sufficientto draw a number of younger members of the Breed intosupporting the organization. Kganmadi look to Mokoléfor leadership when wisdom is required, a role withwhich the weresaurians aren’t always comfortable — ayoung Mokolé is rarely as wise as his Breed’s reputationleads others to expect. On the other hand, he can likelyperform better in a fight than reputation would suggest.The Senior Council must caution young Mokolé not toallow themselves to become the fist of their kganmadi,except as a matter of last resort; it’s not the role Gaiameant for them, and they are by far the least subtle ofHer children. Solving each problem with a rampagingsaurian monster is a great way for a kganmadi to exposeitself to many enemies.NagahThe Nagah vigorously debate their response to theAhadi. Are the Fera of Africa ready for something likethis? Is it a doomed venture? Is it improper for them totemporarily assume the tasks of their brethren? Does the260CHANGING BREEDS

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