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peopled by only a single Breed, were now open to theother shapeshifters. In the hostile, territorial minds ofmany <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>, allowing others into their septswas a slur against the sanctity of the caern. More thanany other, this issue would drive opposing Fera to fightagainst the Ahadi.ReactionsEach <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> in Africa has respondeddifferently to the Ahadi — often, several responses, ascertain members of the Breed rush to join the nascentorganization, while others dedicate themselves to itsdestruction.AjabaThe Ajaba’s reactions are a mixture of pride, resentment,and their instinct for survival. At present, amajority of the surviving Ajaba have joined the Ahadi.A number of factors make the Ahadi attractive to thewerehyenas. It’s a safe harbor, first and foremost — in thelong years of running and hiding from the tyrant Simbaand his minions, the Ajaba found themselves devoid ofallies. They have stood alone for far too long, and it’scomforting to have support at last. The Ahadi also appealsto the Ajaba’s pride: not only did one of their youngheroes form the Ahadi, but in any kganmadi that lacksa Simba or Garou, the Ajaba usually step into the roleof war-leader — which they regard as very prestigious.On the other hand, the Ahadi stings the pride of thewerehyenas. Before Black Tooth, they were the dominant<strong>Changing</strong> Breed throughout Africa. Many of the caernsthat have now become ‘Ahadi caerns’ were once theproperty of the Ajaba, and it rankles, badly, to see catsand lizards and ravens making use of their sacred sites.Worst of all, the Ahadi actively oppose any werehyenaswho try to take revenge on the Simba for the murderof their families and the near-extinction of their Breed.Indeed, the Ahadi demands that lion and hyena worktogether. For many Ajaba, the wounds are too raw andtheir Rage burns too hot. If the Ahadi shelters the Simbafrom the righteous wrath of their victims, these Ajabareason, then it can be torn down alongside the lions.258

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