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sacred places. Though Yahwie does not kill as often asit once did, Ananasi still find others of their kind deadin Bunyip Caerns to this day. The Ananasi fear whenthe Yahwie will come for them, and only the bravest ormost foolhardy werespiders travel to Australia — knowingthat the monster will target them.Despite air travel that allows people to go from oneside of Australia to the other in just a few hours, the vastgeography still divides the population. The largest citiesof Sydney and Melbourne fight to be Australia’s mostimportant, while Brisbane wishes both would cease theirprattling, and Perth sits distant on the west coast, dabblingin pseudo-separatist agitation. The tropics of Darwin are analien experience to the temperate southern states and noneof them comprehend the savage dry beauty of the center.Since the early days of European settlement most ofthe <strong>Breeds</strong> have kept away from the Garou. The pathsof Garou and Fera crossed many times but the Europeanwerewolves didn’t suspect that these shapeshifters werenative. The only Breed to regularly cross paths with theGarou are the Nagah, and no werewolf ever survived totell tales of these meetings.Australia’s bushland cities let the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>live close to — and unnoticed by — humans and Garou.Where Australians might remark on the increase of ‘wilddogs’ in the cities no one thinks about the ubiquity ofspiders, the large populations of ravens, or occasionalsnakes in urban areas. Even sharks are an accepted presenceall around the coastline, making Australia a fertilebreeding ground for the Rokea. The large numbers ofyoung weresharks has lead to a growing group of rebelliousyouth who risk the wrath of their elders by exploringUnsea. These forays bring curious young Rokea intocontact with other <strong>Breeds</strong> — often with mixed results.For all that they boast, the Corax were latecomers toAustralia and the land is reluctant to give up its secrets— a source of immense frustration to the wereravens. Assuch, many leave after one frustration too many. Whilea handful of dedicated mystery-hunters remain, Coraxcontinue to be rare in Australia.The Nagah struggle to fill the void left by the Bunyip.They’ve taken on the mantle of protectors of theDreamtime land. They breed with the deadliest Australiansnakes, thinking that it will enhance their potent32

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