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Though his attacks would culminate in the 1984massacre at Ngornongoro, he was on the attack longbefore then. The <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> struggled, throughintermixed reactions of panic, apathy, and outrage, to slowhim. Long before he crushed the Ajaba, he had managedto consolidate power among the Bastet, though manyamong the Simba, Bagheera, and Swara were beginningto distance themselves and even to turn on him.In order to ensure the Bubasti’s cooperation, BlackTooth sought an alliance with the Followers of Set. Longtimeenemies of the Bubasti, the Setites had capturedthe last of the Bubasti’s animal Kinfolk. Black Tooth alsosought further secrets to use against his enemies, and heknew the Setites’ trade in corruption would make himan irresistible target for their influence. He could givethem much, and did — delivering a number of the Fera’sanimal Kinfolk to the Setites in exchange for initiationinto their mysteries. Through these meetings, it is saidthat Black Tooth learned the Yava of the Ajaba.These alliances would be the foundation of the EndlessStorm’s power.Formation of the AhadiFor many years, Black Tooth’s Endless Storm roaredacross Africa, leaving terror and destruction in theirwake. But in time, even Black Tooth’s appetite for bloodwas sated. Believing that he had no more enemies, hispurging of the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> finally came to an end.Though the rampant killing had ended, this was nota peaceful time. The new king unsettled the Fera, whopicked his teeth with the splintered bones of dissenters.They knew he was weaving terrible magics. Worse werethose they feared he might attempt. In this time of frightand fear and whispers, Black Tooth’s sangoma stalkedmen for their mutis, the Guruhi held the silence of ruralvillages and kept watch for signs of interlopers, and theBubasti crawled on their bellies, trading dark favors inorder to be reunited with the cats of Kyphur. All this254

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