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Appendix One:The AhadiLooking to the FutureThe ‘default’ assumption for <strong>W20</strong> is that the tyrantSimba Black Tooth’s reign of terror over Africa is ongoing,and that an alliance of diverse <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> isforming in order to stop him. But what if you want toplay a mixed-Breed chronicle that isn’t about the fall ofBlack Tooth? This appendix looks beyond the defeat ofthe corrupt king to the trials and tribulations that face theAhadi in the subsequent and ongoing tasks of fighting fortheir homeland — and trying not to fight one another.It’s a long, hard road, full of suspicion and opposition,but it may represent the best hope the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>have had in millennia.The Rise of Black ToothPrejudice and hatred have divided the <strong>Changing</strong><strong>Breeds</strong> for thousands of years. They have dwelled apartfrom one another since before the raising of the pyramids.They have made paranoia and anger their watchwordsever since the War of Rage. What could move the <strong>Changing</strong><strong>Breeds</strong> of Africa to abandon millennia of separationand suspicion? What could be so terrible that the Ahadiwas the answer?It began with a Simba whose ambition was exceededonly by his wrath. This great old lion, Black Tooth, wasa veteran of many wars. He had long stood with thetribes of the Bastet against the Wyrm, and had provedpowerful, relentless, and courageous. Yet with time, BlackTooth was driven to greater fury by the indolence of theAjaba and the dispassionate, disorganized ranks of the<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>. Eventually, the mighty champion ofGaia turned his wrath upon her other children, and withbloody claws he ripped the reins of control away fromthe Ajaba and seized control of much of Africa.There are many theories regarding Black Tooth’sdescent. The most popular rumor has an edge of truthto it: Black Tooth was deep in the Umbra when thebombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With hisown eyes, he witnessed a storm tear through the land ofghosts, and the sight of it changed him forever. He sawthe two bombs going off as the eyes of the Wyrm openingto behold the end of days.252CHANGING BREEDS

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