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If any such Grondr do exist, it will be an uphill strugglefor any <strong>Changing</strong> Breed to convince them to return,and far harder if the group that discovers the wereboarscontains Garou. Old grudges die very hard. The presenceof the Skull Pigs might bring them around — seeing theultimate shame of their Breed might drive the Grondr toprove that they can do better. It might also be the finalnail in the coffin. If even the supposedly incorruptiblewereboars can fall to the Wyrm, what hope is left for therest of the world?Perhaps the most disturbing thought is that theGrondr do still live on in the Deep Umbra. The SkullPigs are nothing to do with the wereboars, a happycoincidence that the survivors used to mask their disappearance.They know how bad the world has become, butit’s not enough yet — they can only make Gaia wholeagain once the Wyrm has consumed Her. They awaitthe Apocalypse, and the Garou’s inevitable loss. Oncetheir would-be persecutors are all dead, then they canstart the real work.<strong>Breeds</strong>Grondr had three breeds: homid, metis, and scrofa.Metis Grondr were sterile, but lacked both deformitiesand any loss of status. Grondr lacked auspices; instead,each Breed had specific duties.• Homid: Homid Grondr defended and maintainedlands cleansed by others of their kind. They had themost contact with humanity, and carefully monitoredhuman's use of their lands.Beginning Gnosis: 1• Metis: The Grondr were never numerous andconsidered breeding a sacred duty. Because metis couldnot do so, the Grondr saw them as the most expendable.They acted as scouts and front-line warriors, since theirloss did not also entail the loss of their possible offspring.Beginning Gnosis: 3• Scrofa: Using their wild instincts to negotiatethe savage wildernesses, scrofa followed the metis intodangerous areas, continuing the perilous work of purifyingtainted locations and hunting down corrupted beings.Beginning Gnosis: 5Traits• Grondr used Rage in the same manner as Garou andwere capable of frenzy.• All Grondr began play with Rage of 4, and a Willpowerof 3.• Grondr suffered the same effects from silver thatwerewolves do. They could also regenerate in thesame way as Garou.CHAPTER FOUR: THE LOST BREEDS 245

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