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All shapeshifters were created to protect Gaia in oneway or another, but the Grondr had one of the most directand important roles. Gaia charged them to root out anytaint or poison that might harm the Earth and the life onit. They worked most closely with the Gurahl, removingany sources of corruption before the werebears healedthe damage the poisons had caused. While the Gurahlwere fierce protectors, the Grondr were warriors whoactively sought out threats and destroyed them. Fromtoxins leeching up from underground to infestations offomori, the Grondr fought all dangers. They were deftand cautious hunters who were careful never to harmGaia during their work. Despite their brutish appearance,most Grondr had a deep appreciation for beautyand took pride in how striking and lush areas becameunder their care.The Grondr were an active and aggressive breed. Theylived in pack-like groups called Sounders, each lead by aking or queen who held their title by defeating all whochallenged them in ritual combat. Each Sounder rulerwas equal to all others; they had no hierarchy beyondindividual Sounders.When the Garou attacked the Gurahl during theWar of Rage, the Grondr stood with the werebearsagainst the wolves. The Grondr continued to fight whenthe Gurahl retreated in to hibernation. The wereboarsinflicted horrible losses to the Fianna, the Get of Fenris,and the Silver Fangs. The Garou ultimately triumphedand drove the Grondr to their end.When their numbers were reduced to only a handful,the remaining Grondr found themselves in a desperatesituation. And, although no one may ever know the exactdetails that led to it, the end result is clear: the selfsame<strong>Changing</strong> Breed once trusted with rooting out the taintof the Wyrm ended up in its service as the now-infamouscreatures known as Skull Pigs.That is not to say that the Garou were innocent ofdestroying the Grondr; not only did they slaughter thewereboars into those desperate straits, but they essentiallyassured that there would be no redemption for Gaia’s lostGroomers. Once the shapeshifters were gone, the Garouset their human Kinfolk to destroying the Grondr’s Kin.Their human Kinfolk were enslaved by Garou Kin in theFirst City, any purity of Boar blood gradually lost amongthe growing masses of humanity. At the same time, theGarou encouraged humans to hunt and domesticateGrondr boar Kinfolk out of existence. While wild boarsand feral razorback still exist, they are nothing comparedto the animals the Grondr once called Kin.HistoryThe history of the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> remembersthe Grondr as warriors and investigators, charged withrooting corruption out from under the Earth itself.Their Gifts and rites could force taint to manifest itselfas Banes, which the Grondr and their allies would fightand kill. These histories are incomplete. The Grondrwere more, and stranger, than history gives them creditfor. They had capabilities that the other Fera never trulyunderstood; that lack of understanding was part of whatled to their downfall.GRONDR IN THE MODERN DAYAny Grondr exposed to modern times isprobably going to be horrified by the state ofthe world. With pollution, toxic spills, soilsstripped of all fertility — and in the worst areas,breeding pits of Banes and fomori — it’s hard toimagine the Grondr not being disgusted at, andfurious with, the Garou and Gurahl for allowingthe world to get to this pitiful state. Shouldthey discover the fate of their last few ancestors,their hatred will likely also be turned inward.Most Grondr take their duties far too seriouslyto spend time fighting other shapeshifters untilthey have done their best to root out all of thehorrors poisoning Gaia, but they will not be shyabout displaying their contempt for any shapeshifters(including their own fallen ancestors)who remained on Earth.242CHANGING BREEDS

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