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Microchiroptera(3-point Merit, Camazotz only)This Camazotz was most closely related to the smallestof bats. Instead of transforming into their Megachiropteraform, this werebat naturally transformed into a swarm ofbats identical to the one created by the Gift: ThousandWings Form. Learning that Gift allowed the characterwith this Merit to take on the Megachiroptera form.General Camazotz GiftsCamazotz begin play with three Level One Giftsfrom the general Camazotz Gift list.• Echolocation (Level One) — As the lupus Gift:Scent of Sight, but using sound to navigate rather thanscent. This Gift is normally only useful in Homid form, asall other shapes are already capable of sonar navigation.• Heightened Senses (Level One) — As the lupusGift.• Perfect Recall (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift.• Private Whispers (Level One) — By covering hismouth and whispering, the werebat may speak to anyonehe can see, without being overheard.System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge,difficulty 7. The character may whisper for one turn persuccess.• Scent of the True Form (Level One) — As thePhilodox Gift.• Shadow Skin (Level One) — The Camazotz wrapshimself in semi-solid shadow, making him more difficultto see, muffling the noise of his movements, and evengaining some protection against attacks.System: The player spends one Willpower point. Forthe rest of the scene, the character gains one soak dieand three extra dice to any Stealth roll. This Gift endsimmediately if the character enters bright light.• Silence (Level One) — As the Silent Strider Gift.• Speech of the World (Level One) — As thehomid Gift.• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Whisper Catching (Level One) — As the ShadowLord Gift.• Bloodletting Bite (Level Two) — The werebat’ssaliva becomes a supernatural anticoagulant, causing hervictims to bleed dramatically.System: The player may spend one Gnosis after asuccessful bite. The victim suffers one additional level ofunsoakable lethal damage at the end of each subsequentturn, for (Gnosis) turns. Vampires lose one blood pointper turn rather than suffering damage.• Into the Sun (Level Two) — The werebat maystep sideways even in direct light, though she treats the240CHANGING BREEDSGauntlet as one point higher than it truly is when doing so.System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.• Luna’s Favor (Level Two) — The werebat drawson Luna’s mercurial favor, becoming uncannily lucky.System: The player may spend a Willpower pointto nominate a roll as “lucky.” She gains one automaticsuccess on this roll, and may re-roll all dice which failto come up as successes. This Gift may only be usedonce per scene.• Messenger’s Fortitude (Level Two) — As the SilentStrider Gift, but enabling flight rather than running.• Razor Wings (Level Two) — As the general CoraxGift: Razor Feathers.• Sense Wyrm (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.• Bat’s Shriek (Level Three) — The werebat emitsan ultrasonic cry that stuns, disorients, and bruises thosenearby.System: The player spends one Rage point and rollsStamina + Primal-Urge. All within 30 yards take oneunsoakable level of bashing damage per success.• Blinding Spittle (Level Three) — The Messengerof Luna may strike a foe blind by spitting on him.System: The character spits on her opponent; theplayer spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity +Primal-Urge, difficulty of the opponent’s Stamina. Thetarget is blinded for one turn per success; even after theblindness wears off, the victim suffers a +2 penalty to allvision-based rolls (including most combat maneuvers)for the rest of the scene.• Pathfinder (Level Three) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Sense Magic (Level Three) — As the Uktena Gift.• Thousand Wings Form (Level Three) — Throughrefined mastery of her shapeshifting capabilities, theCamazotz gains the ability to break her body down intoa swarm of countless tiny bats.System: Assuming Thousand Wings form requiresa standard shapeshifting roll at difficulty 8. It functionsin all regards as the Ananasi Crawlerling form (see p.65), save that it is capable of flight and made of bats.• Bloody Feast (Level Four) — As the Wendigo Gift.• Invisibility (Level Four) — As the Uktena Gift.• Night-Carried Messages (Level Four) — Openingher mouth wide, the Camazotz’s voice emerges as aswarm of bats, which wing their way to a distant subject,intent on delivering a message.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsWits + Expression, with a difficulty determined by thedistance of the message’s intended recipient. Within amile would be difficulty 5, while a target over 100 milesaway would be difficulty 9. The messenger-bats moveat normal speed for bats, and rest during the day. They

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