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GlorySample BehaviorAwardTelling a good story at a gathering; participating in a just challenge; proving one’s bravery in a routine situation 1Surviving an incapacitating wound; defeating a minor threat; telling a true epic that is later retold 2Defeating an average threat; traveling to an Umbral Realm and returning 3Defeating a strong threat; dying while defending a Den-Realm 5Defeating a very powerful threat; sacrificing oneself for the greater good 7Succumbing to fox-frenzy –1Losing territory to an enemy –3Conscious cowardice that results in the death of another of your Breed –5HonorSample BehaviorAwardShowing restraint in the face of certain death; showing devotion to the greater good; 1dealing respectfully with other shapeshiftersProtecting helpless humans in need; participating in a just challenge 2Acting selflessly for the greater good of the Breed; mediating a dispute fairly and impartially 3Ignoring strong feelings of vengeance and hatred; being truthful in the face of adversity; 5protecting helpless animals related to the BreedEnduring torture to protect fellow Breed members; death in defense of Gaia 7Acting selfishly; not protecting helpless humans; being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity –1Failing to keep promises; being deceptive; participating in an unjust challenge –3Not protecting a helpless Breed member; completely ignoring etiquette; –5giving false testimony against a Breed memberHumorSample BehaviorAwardConceiving a new riddle; besting another shapeshifter (non-Nuwisha) in a riddle-contest 1Crippling a Wyrm-operation through “unfortunate accidents;” leading an enemy astray without hurting him 2Leading two enemies against each other; persuading other Changers to perform necessary tasks for you, 3if they believe they have credit for it; besting another Nuwisha in a riddle-contestFooling agents of the Wyrm to perform necessary tasks for you, even if it hurts them; 5covering over dangerous secrets without hurting anyone or even arousing suspicionSuccessfully creating plots that involve entire septs (or the equivalent) of other Changers 7(particularly Garou) to further your ends (which are not egotistically motivated);banishing the Wyrm from an area through indirect or nonviolent meansLosing a riddle-contest to a spirit or other Changer –1Hurting innocents through your schemes; being manipulated by another Changer –3Losing a riddle-contest to a human; furthering the Wyrm through short-sighted schemes –5InfamySample BehaviorAwardHelping guard a Nest; fooling a human 1Defeating a formidable foe not of the Wyrm or Weaver; getting even 2Defeating a Garou; defending a Nest through trickery or negotiation; becoming pack leader 3Ending a serious threat without harm to any of your Breed; becoming famous among your Breed 5Defeating a very powerful Wyrm or Weaver threat; creating or discovering a new Gift 7Being fooled by a human –1Killing a Bone Gnawer –3Falling into the thrall of the Wyrm –5220CHANGING BREEDS

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