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• Bastet: Cannot step sideways without a Gift or beingwithin their own Den-Realm.• Gurahl: May only step sideways from within an UmbralGlen or via the Rite of Rending the Gauntlet.• Mokolé: Require a special gift to enter the Umbra.• Nagah: May only step sideways within the Ananta towhich the wereserpent is attuned.• Ratkin: May only step sideways when alone, or inthe presence of spirits or fellow Ratkin. Cannot stepsideways in the presence of any other beings.• Rokea: Rokea may only swim sideways through theRite of Passing the Net, or with a special Gift.The DeliriumThe mortal mind cannot cope with the horror of awerewolf wearing his war-form. Terror long ago beateninto the very code of human DNA rises up, cloudingmemories and engaging the fight-or-flight reflex. Thusis the Veil preserved.Many Fera also provoke the same all-encompassingdenial and fear. Others evoke a lesser reaction, whilesome don’t trigger the Delirium at all. The exact reasonswhy the different Fera rouse the responses they do areup to debate, the answers lost in the tangle of historyand legend.The Veil’s Effect“Reduced Delirium” causes the afflicted humanto respond as though their Willpower were two pointshigher than it truly is.• Ajaba: Crinos form incites full Delirium.• Ananasi: Lilian and Pithus forms both incite fullDelirium.• Bastet: Crinos form incites reduced Delirium, whileChatro incites full.• Corax: Crinos form incites reduced Delirium.• Gurahl: Crinos form incites reduced Delirium.• Kitsune: Werefoxes do not incite Delirium in any form.• Mokolé: Archid form incites full Delirium.• Nagah: Azhi Dahaka form incites full Delirium.• Nuwisha: Manabozho form incites reduced Delirium.• Ratkin: Crinos form incites reduced Delirium.• Rokea: Glabrus form incites reduced Delirium, whileGladius and Chasmus incite full.RenownThe Fera were put on the Earth to fulfill a multitudeof different roles, and each Breed marks the worth oftheir fellows by different means. Very few follow thesame three virtues of Glory, Honor and Wisdom thatCHAPTER THREE: BUILDING THE BEASTTHE LOST BREEDSFor completion’s sake:• Apis: Minotaur form incites full Delirium.• Camazotz: Crinos form incites full Delirium.• Grondr: Crinos form incites reduced Delirium.the Garou cherish. The following section compiles theRenown traits and ranking systems of each of the Ferain one place for easy reference.Types of RenownAjabaLike their Bastet cousins, the Ajaba value Ferocityand Cunning; unlike the cats, the social werehyenasalso hold Obligation sacred. To advance in Ferocity,an Ajaba must be both fearless and vicious; to advancein Obligation, the werehyena must put the good of hispeople before his own; and to advance in Cunning, hemust be clever and resourceful. Advancement in rankis handled by social challenges and rites similar to thoseof the Garou.AnanasiAnanasi are judged by Queen Ananasa, not eachother. They advance in rank as they adhere to the waysof the Triat: Cunning for the Wyrm, Obedience for theWeaver, and Wisdom for the Wyld. Queen Ananasamarks the skin of an Ananasi as he advances in rank; thispattern is only visible to other werespiders. For tenerethese rank-markings resemble fine spider-webs that jointogether, with the number of anchoring strands revealingrank. For hatar, the patterns resemble slithering snakesakin to Celtic knotwork. For Kumoti, it looks like lightningbolts sparking across each other.Obedience is granted for cleaving to the laws ofAnanasa and the werespider’s assigned member of theTriat. Cunning is gained through resourcefulness andcleverness. Demonstrations of good judgment and intuitionyield Wisdom.BastetWerecat Renown is based on individual respect firstand foremost; the werecats are more concerned with theirpersonal views of another Bastet than they are with whatthe Breed as a whole thinks of him. Bastet use Renownin the categories of Cunning, Ferocity, and Honor.217

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