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Corax• Eye Pluck: Corax can attempt to pull the eye froma living opponent. If the Corax scores four successes onthe attack roll, and at least two health levels of damagego unsoaked, she tears her enemy’s eye out. This raisesthe damage to aggravated even if the Corax is in ravenform. Shapeshifters that don't suffer a Battle Scar fromthe maneuver can regrow the eye over time.Usable by: Crinos — CorvidRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 9Damage: Strength + 1 Actions: 2• Wing Swipe: This maneuver requires the Gift:Razor Feathers. The Corax lashes out with a wing, slashingthe target with the cutting edge of his steel-hardfeathers. This maneuver is also useful out of combat (forcutting ropes, slashing tires, and so on). Even if a wingswipe misses, the target must make a reflexive Dexterityroll (difficulty 5) or be off-balance (+1 difficulty to allPhysical actions) for the next turn.Usable by: CrinosRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 7Damage: Strength + 2 Actions: 1Mokole’• Tail Lash: The Mokolé slashes at an opponentwith her tail. Characters in Suchid form may only use thismaneuver if the opponent stands directly behind them.Damage is bashing, unless the Mokolé has a spiked tail.Nagah in Azhi Dahaka — Kali Dahaka forms mayalso perform this maneuver, as can Rokea in Chasmus— Squamus, but only under water.Usable by: Archid — SuchidRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 7Damage: Strength + 1 Actions: 1• Head Butt: This maneuver is a charge forward,head lowered. It works exactly like Body Slam (see <strong>W20</strong>,p. 298) save that the Mokolé doesn’t suffer damage ifin Archid form, and the target isn’t unbalanced unlessknocked down.Rokea in Chasmus — Squamus can use a similarunderwater ‘ramming’ maneuver.Usable by: Homid — ArchidRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 7Damage: Strength Actions: 1• Jaw Shear: This maneuver requires that the Mokolésuccessfully used a bite attack in the previous turn.Through this attack the Mokolé can snap his head backand forth, tearing the victim to shreds with his powerfuljaws. Unless the victim can break the Mokolé’s grip(using an opposed Strength roll), the weresaurian cancontinue attempting this maneuver each turn.214CHANGING BREEDSA similar maneuver, Rolling Bite, sees the Mokolérolling repeatedly with the victim in her mouth.Rokea in Gladius — Squamus forms can also performthis maneuver, as may Ajaba in Crinos.Usable by: Archid — SuchidRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 6Damage: Strength + 2 Actions: 1• Swallow Whole: Only a truly enormous charactercan perform this action, such as a massive Archid or particularlylarge Great White Rokea. The prey must be halfthe character’s size or less, and the attacker must land a biteattack, and then make an opposed Strength roll. If she succeeds,her opponent is swallowed whole. The opponent cancontinue to take limited actions for (Stamina) rounds beforebeing smothered. If the attacker changes to a smaller formwhile her victim is alive inside of her, she suffers five levelsof lethal damage as her victim erupts through her innards.Rokea in Chasmus form can also perform this maneuver.Usable by: ArchidRoll: SpecialDifficulty: SpecialDamage: Special Actions: 2Nagah• Constrict: The Nagah must be in either AzhiDahaka or Kali Dahaka, and cannot move while constrictingan opponent in her coils. On each action afterhaving caught the victim, the Nagah’s player reflexivelyrolls Strength + Brawl against a difficulty of the trappedvictim’s (Strength + Brawl –2, maximum 9). Successinflicts the Nagah’s Strength as bashing damage, whilefailure frees the victim. The Nagah can attack his trappedvictim with teeth or claws at –1 difficulty; for others, attackinga constricted victim without harming the Nagahinflicts a +1 difficulty penalty.Usable in: Azhi Dahaka — Kali DahakaRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 6Damage: Strength Actions: 1• Injection: The Nagah can bite gently into a target,injecting venom without causing aggravated damage fromhis fangs. This can be used for several purposes, such asthe Sting of Sleep Gift. This maneuver is normally usedoutside of combat.Ananasi also use an effectively identical maneuverto poison opponents and to drink blood.Usable by: Any form capable of injecting venomRoll: Dexterity + Brawl Difficulty: 7Damage: Venom only Actions: 1Rokea• Great Bite: The Rokea takes hold of her opponentby the shoulders, and attempts to bite her victim’s head

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