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BastetBastet use most of the same Backgrounds as Garou,eschewing only Ancestors (with the exception of Swara).They use personal rather than pack totems, however (callingsuch patrons “Jamak”). Bastet make additional use oftwo Backgrounds unknown to the Garou: Secrets, whichthey share with the Corax, (see “Shared Backgrounds,”p. 212) and Den-Realm.Den-RealmThe Bastet has built or acquired (either by inheritanceor duel) her own Den-Realm, a sanctuary where she andthe land have become one. In the Umbra, a Den-Realmresembles a Domain, one which other travelers cannotpass through without permission. The appearance ofthis Domain is up to the Bastet who owns the Den-Realm — a proud Khan’s Den-Realm may resemble amaharaja’s fortress, while a Balam’s might resemble animpenetrable forest.A difficulty 8 Perception + Occult roll is necessaryto recognize a Den-Realm for what it is, and penetratingits walls uninvited requires a roll as though the intruderwere stepping sideways (difficulty 9). This automaticallyalerts the Bastet that an intruder is coming in.A werecat inside of his Den-Realm enjoys severalbenefits: He may step sideways at any time within hisDen-Realm, against a Gauntlet of 3. A number of timesper scene equal to his Gnosis rating, the Bastet may makea Gnosis roll (difficulty 6) to blink between two points inhis Den-Realm without crossing the intervening space.Any attack on the Den-Realm (whether by banes in theUmbra or bulldozers in the Gaia Realm) registers as acold bolt of pain in the werecat’s heart. The Bastet canfreely peer through the Gauntlet from either side withinher Den-Realm. Finally, the Bastet can lead any othersshe chooses across the Gauntlet while in her Den-Realmas though they were packmates.A Den-Realm’s rating determines how big it is. Thefirst rating is for urban Den-Realms, while the second isfor the much larger Den-Realms possible in the wilderness.• The size of a house/one square mile.•• The size of a mansion/two square miles.••• A city block/five square miles.•••• Two city blocks/10 square miles.••••• Five city blocks/20 square miles.CoraxCorax rarely stick with any single Mentor for anappreciable length of time, and dismiss Pure Breed aselitist nonsense. They have no pack or personal Totems,either; Raven claims each Corax for his own, grantingthem one free dot of Athletics, Enigmas, and Subterfuge.In return he asks only that they whisper each secret theylearn into the air, that he might hear it as well. Coraxcan, of course, purchase the Secrets and Umbral MapsBackgrounds (see “Shared Backgrounds,” p. 212).GurahlOwing to their rarity, Gurahl rarely amass muchin the way of Resources. All Gurahl have an aspect ofBear as their personal Totem. They also use a uniqueBackground: Umbral Glade.Umbral GladeA Gurahl with this Background possesses a Denwhich opens into a Glade in the Umbra, serving asa “mini-caern” or wellspring of Gnosis. The size andlocation of the Umbral Glade determines how muchGnosis is available for the resident Gurahl. If more thanone Gurahl remains within the Glade in order to regainGnosis, the total Gnosis available must be shared amongthose wishing to partake of it.In addition to providing Gnosis for the Gurahl,an Umbral Glade gives the werebear an instantaneousdoorway into the Umbra without the need for a rite.• A 20 x 20 foot area, supplying one Gnosis per day.•• A 50 x 50 foot area, supplying two Gnosis per day.••• A 100 x 100 foot area, supplying three Gnosis per day.•••• A 500 x 500 foot area, supplying four Gnosis per day.••••• A 1,000 x 1,000 foot area, supplying five Gnosisper day.KitsuneKitsune use many of the same Backgrounds as theGarou, eschewing only Pure Breed as redundant —werefoxes are all of the purest blood, after all. Those notassociated with a sentai or other pack-group may haveeither a personal totem or no totem at all.Mokole’Mokolé do not possess the Ancestors Background,replacing it with Mnesis instead. They also possess theWallow Background.MnesisAny Mokolé (even one without this Background)may place himself into a Mnesis quest — a sort of autohypnosisin which the character journeys deep intothe halls of ancestral memory, much like the Umbralvision-quests of the Garou. Because a Mnesis quest caneasily last for hours and renders the seeker oblivious tothe outside world for its duration, most Mokolé will onlyenter Mnesis while in the safety of their wallows. The210CHANGING BREEDS

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