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Step Sideways (7-pt. Merit, Bastet,Gurahl, Mokole’, Nagah, and Rokea only)Unlike normal members of her Breed, the charactermay step sideways in the manner of the Garou. Whilealmost all members of her Breed can access the Umbrathrough Gifts or Rites, the character has an inherentconnection to the spirit world. Perhaps this is a particularblessing from a powerful spirit, or perhaps it is as mucha mystery to her as it is to everyone else.FlawsShark Teeth (1-pt. Flaw, Rokea only)Even in Homid form, the character’s teeth remainmildly pointed. This isn’t sufficient to do any extra damage,but it’s very noticeable.Can’t Eat Solid Foods(5-pt. Flaw, Ananasi only)For some reason, the character’s human digestivesystem doesn’t function; she lives on a diet of blood orliquefied flesh, and needs to consume much more of itthan the typical werespider. The character automaticallyloses one blood point per day, and when her blood poolfalls below three, she risks frenzying from hunger.Unsure Footing (5-pt. Flaw, Rokea only)The character just can’t get the hang of walking ontwo legs. She stumbles easily, and suffers from vertigo justlooking up. All rolls involving coordinated movementon land (including combat) add 2 to their difficulty.BackgroundsSome of the Backgrounds presented here are specificto a particular <strong>Changing</strong> Breed. Others, such as Secrets,are possessed by many kinds of Fera.AjabaAjaba use all of the same Backgrounds as the Garou,although high Pure Breed becomes increasingly rare asthe Ajaba scramble to shore up their decimated numbers.As social creatures, werehyenas are much more likely tohave pack totems than personal ones.AnanasiNo Ananasi may have Ancestors or Pure Breed;Ananasa doesn’t want her children dwelling on thepast. Queen Ananasa also serves as the totem for allwerespiders, granting Occult +3 and Enigmas +2 whilethe werespider meditates in his Sylie. In return, theymust obey her laws.CHAPTER THREE: BUILDING THE BEAST 209

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